Phylogenetic analysis of Y. pestis strains of 2.MED branch of medieval bv. from plague foci of CIS and neighboring countries (fragment of the global phylogeny dendrogram of Y. pestis, shown in Figure 2). Maximum likelihood tree, PHYML 3.1 software program, HKY85 model and 500 bootstrap replications. Strains M-1864 (43), M-978 (14), M-1773 (16), M-1484 (15), M-1906 (43), M-595 (43), C-791 (03), M-1448 (17), M-1453 (18), 173 (23), M-549 (20), and M-519 (26) are from plague foci of the Caspian Sea region of RF, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, and Turkmenistan; strains KM918 (01), KM919 (01), 1116D (02) 44 (08), 1240 (10), 261 (09) – from foci of Caucasus of RF, Azerbaidzhan; strains 244 (21), KM816 (25), A-1763 (24), 139 (29), A-1825 (27), M-1524 (23), A-1809 (40), A-1920 (30) – from foci of Central-Asian region (Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, and Turkmenistan); other strains (NCBI GenBank) are from plague foci of China and Iran (strain KIM10). Each designation consists of the strain name followed by the number of plague foci in which they were isolated in parenthesis.