Table 1. Summary of six cases of intracranial Edwardsiella tarda infection.
Author, Year | Age | Sex | Disorder | Treatment | Outcome |
Sonnenwirth et al., 19683) | 31-year-old | F | meningitis | – | D |
Okubadejo et al., 19684) | neonate | F | meningitis | antibiotics (CP, PC, SM, sulphadiazine) | D |
Sachs JM et al., 19745) | 17-year-old | M | meningitis | antibiotics (ABPC) | GR |
Vohra et al., 19886) | neonate | F | meningitis | antibiotics (GM, PC) | D |
Takeuchi et al., 20097) | neonate | F | brain abscess | drainage, V-P shunt, antibiotics (ABPC, CTX, MEPM) |
GR |
Our case, 2017 | 76-year-old | M | infected subdural hematoma | burr hole drainage, antibiotics (CTRX, MNZ) |
GR |
ABPC: ampicillin, CP: chloramphenicol, CTX: cefotaxime, CTRX: ceftriaxone, D: dead, F: female, GM: gentamicin, GR: good recovery, M: male, MEPM: meropenem, MNZ: metronidazole, PC: penicillin, SM: streptomycin, V-P shunt: ventriculoperitoneal shunt.