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. Author manuscript; available in PMC: 2019 Mar 1.
Published in final edited form as: J Gerontol Nurs. 2018 Jan 23;44(3):23–30. doi: 10.3928/00989134-20171206-01

Table C.

Characteristics and Findings of Studies Comparing ED Use by Persons With and Without Dementia

Name, Year Published Study Description and Sample Size Dementia Diagnosis ED Visit Measurement ED Use Findings
Bloom et al. 2004 Retrospective case control study of patients enrolled in the University of Pennsylvania Health System in 1998–1999. AD patients who received care in a specialty Alzheimer’s Disease Center=640; AD patients who received care in a General Internal Medicine clinic=419; Matched CN group from the same general medicine practice=5,331 Dx: ICD-9 codes: 294.10, 294.11 331.0
ED measurement: Medicare claims
Percentage with ED visit (per year):
AD/General Internal Medicine=37.4%; CN matched control/General Internal Medicine=32.8%; AD/Alzheimer’s Disease Center=14.7%; (no p-value reported)
Deb et al. 2017 Retrospective cross-sectional study of community-dwelling older adults enrolled in the Medical Expenditure Panel Survey between 2007 and 2013. ADRD=662; CN=13,398. Dx: ICD-9 codes including 290.xx, 291.xx, 294.xx, 33.xx
ED measurement: Self-report
Unadjusted ED mean number of visits (per year):
ADRD=0.42; Without dementia=0.24 (p<0.05)
Adjusted ED mean number of visits (per year):
ADRD=0.28; No dementia=0.26 (ns)
Eaker et al. 2001 Population-based case-control study of residents living in the Marshfield Epidemiological Study Area in Wisconsin between 1992 and 1997. AD=240; OD=208; CN controls=303 Dx: ICD-9 codes including 331.0 (AD) and 290.0–290.4 (OD) (incident cases only).
ED visit measurement: Electronic and paper medical records.
Adjusted ED mean number of visits (per year):
Year prior to dementia diagnosis
AD=2.3; OD=2.3; CN=1.4 (p<0.001)
After dementia diagnosis:
AD=2.7; OD=2.9; CN=1.8 (p<0.001)
Feng et al. 2014 Prospective cohort study of a nationally-representative community-dwelling and nursing home decedents and non-decedents enrolled in Health and Retirement Study between 2000–2008. 12,420 individual contributed 39,252 observations across 5 waves of data collection. Prevalence of dementia was 12% and 44% among community-dwelling residents and decedents, respectively. Dx: Hybrid of Medicare claims-based measure of Alzheimer’s disease and related dementias combined with scores on Health and Retirement Study cognitive function tests.
ED measurement: Medicare claims
Percentage with any type of ED visit (per year):
Non-decedents: Dementia=34.5%; CN=25.4%, AOR 1.615 (p<0.01) Decedents: Dementia=81.1%; CN=79.8%, AOR 1.090 (ns)
Outpatient only ED visit:
Non-decedents: Dementia=24.2%; CN=17.9%, AOR 1.491 (p<0.001); Decedents: Dementia=50.2%; CN=43.9%, AOR 1.305 (p<0.05)
Any potentially avoidable ED visit:
Non-decedents: Dementia=4.6%; CN=3.1%, AOR 1.514 (p<0.01); Decedents: Dementia=13.8%; CN=11.9, AOR 1.192 (ns)
Any ED visit resulting in hospital admission:
Non-decedents: Dementia=18.5%; CN=11.5%, AOR 1.831 (p<0.01) Decedents: Dementia=69.7%; CN =66.4%, AOR 1.169 (ns)
Fillit et al. 2002 Retrospective cohort study of patients enrolled in a large MCO plan between 1997–1999. AD=1,366; CN matched controls=13,660 Dx: ICD-9 code 331.0. Late-stage AD identified by ICD-9 codes for decubiti, malnutrition, and aspiration pneumonia. All others categorized as early stage AD.
ED measurement: MCO claims
Mean number of ED visits (per year) all AD: AD=0.57; CN=0.25 (p<0.0001)
Mean number of ED visits (per year) early-stage AD only: AD=0.49; CN=0.22 (p<0.0001)
Note: controls for early and late-stage AD were different groups matched for level of comorbidity
Grober et al. 2012 Prospective cohort study of patients seen in an urban academic Geriatric practice in the Bronx, New York between 2003–2009. Prevalent dementia=46 (35 very mild/11 mild); CN=254 Dx: Comprehensive battery of neuropsychological tests and informant interviews (DSM-IV criteria).
ED measurement: Electronic medical records
Unadjusted mean number of ED visits (per year): Dementia=0.97; CN=0.62, adjusted IRR=1.49 (95% CI 1.06–2.09, p=0.023)
Hill et al. 2005 Retrospective cohort study of Medicare beneficiaries enrolled in an HMO located in New York between 1999–2002. AD=1,722; VaD=678; OD=957; CN/CVD present=2,728; CN/no CVD matched controls=14,023 Dx: ICD-9 codes for Alzheimer’s disease (331.0); OD (290.4, 290, 290.1–290.3); VaD same codes as OD plus evidence of stroke in 90 days prior to dementia diagnosis; No dementia/CVD (430–438 and no code for dementia)
ED measurement: Healthcare encounter claims (reimbursement for fee-for service, or record of service for HMO)
Adjusted mean number of ED visits (per year):
OD=0.61 (p<0.0007 compared to VaD)
AD=0.5 (p<0.0001 compared to VaD)
CN/CVD present=0.39 (p<0.0001 compared to VaD)
CN/no CVD=0.26 (p<0.0001 compared to VaD)
Husaini et al. 2003 Retrospective cohort study of a 5% random sample of Medicare Beneficiaries in Tennessee in 1991–1993. White/Vascular Dementia=1,186; Black/Vascular Dementia=180; White/CN=28, 903; Black/CN=3,419 Dx: ICD-9 diagnosis indicating any type of vascular, progressive dementia, including codes 190.10–13, 290.20–21, 290.3, 290.40–43; excluded people with code for AD (331.0)
ED measurement: Medicare claims
Percentage with ED visit (3 year study period)
White/dementia=68.9%; Black/dementia=75.0% (p<0.05)
White/CN=33.2%; Black/CN=40.6% (p<0.05)
LaMantia et al. 2015 Retrospective cohort study of patients enrolled in an urban, public hospital system located in Indianapolis between 1999–2009. Dementia=11,069; CN=21,628 Dx: ICD-9 codes 290.0–290.43, 291.2–294.9, 331.0–331.9, and 797.
ED measurement: Administrative claims (Medicare, Medicaid, MDS, and OASIS datasets)
Percentage with ED visit (per year):
Dementia=37%–54% depending on year; CN=20%–31% (no p-value reported)
Leibson et al. 2015 Retrospective study of individuals enrolled in the population-based Mayo Clinic Study of Aging between 2004–2010. Prevalent dementia=48; Incident dementia=119; MCI=537; CN controls=2,451. Dx: Medical record review by neurologist to identify prevalent dementia (DSM-IV criteria). All others assessed by in-person or telephonic evaluations by nurse and psychometrist.
ED measurement: Electronic health care records
Percentage with ED visit (per year):
Prevalent dementia=52%; Incident dementia=40%; MCI=35%; CN=26% (p<0.001)
McCormick et al. 2001 Case-control study of decedents enrolled in an HMO in Northwestern U.S between 1987–1998. AD=263; OD=133; CN matched controls=100. Dx: Neuropsychological and neurological testing with diagnosis based on consensus by an expert panel using NINDS-ADRDA and DSM-III criteria.
ED measurement: Electronic medical records
Mean number of ED visits (last year of life):
AD=0.5; OD=0.4; CN=0.8 (p<0.05)
Mean number of ED visits (last 3 years of life):
AD=1.1; OD=1.3; CN=1.5 (ns)
Richards et al. 2000 Retrospective study of patients aged 65+ enrolled in a MCO in a mostly rural part of the southern US between 1996–1997. ADRD=250; CN controls=13,553 Dx: ICD-9 codes for AD (331.0) and/or presenile dementia (290.0–290.3). Primary care physicians were contacted to verify diagnosis
ED measurement: MCO administrative claims
Percentage with ED visit (per year)
ADRD=45.2%; CN=12.4% (p-value not reported)
Mean number of visits (per year):
ADRD=2.0; CN=1.4 (p=0.006)
Zhao et al. 2008 Retrospective cohort of patients enrolled in an employer sponsored supplemental insurance for Medicare beneficiaries in 2003–2004. AD=25,109; CN matched controls=75,327 Dx: AD identified using ICD-9 codes 331.0 or at least one prescription filled for an AD-specific medication.
ED measurement: Insurance claims
Percentage with ED visit (per year):
AD=41%; CN=27% (p-value not reported)
Mean number of ED visits (per year)
AD=1.04; CN=0.64 (p-value not reported)
ED visit rate (per year)
AD=10,413/10,000-years; CN=5,733/10,000 years; AOR=1.74 (P<0.05)

Abbreviations: AD=Alzheimer’s disease; ADRD=Alzheimer’s Disease and Related Dementias; AOR=Adjusted Odds Ratio; CI=Confidence Interval; CN=Cognitively Normal; Cardiovascular Disease=CVD; Dx=diagnosis; ED=Emergency Department; ICD=International Classification of Disease; IRR=Incident Rate Ratio; MCI=Mild Cognitive Impairment; MCO: Managed Medicare Organization; NINCDS/ADRDA=National Institute of Neurological and Communicative Disorders and Stroke and the Alzheimer’s Disease and Related Disorders Association; OD=other dementia; OR=Odds Ratio; ns=not significant; U.S=United States; VaD=Vascular Dementia