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. 2018 May 1;18(5):1392. doi: 10.3390/s18051392

Table 3.

Estimation of heart rate in aroused condition by CNNs.

Posture Signal MAE SDAE RMSE CC
Standing VGG-16 (No Aug) 2.23 3.92 4.51 0.976 **
VGG-19 (Aug) 7.54 7.22 10.44 0.866 **
Ensemble Network 3.96 4.79 6.22 0.960 **
Sitting VGG-16 (No Aug) 2.34 3.47 4.19 0.975 **
VGG-19 (Aug) 8.58 9.43 12.75 0.763 **
Ensemble Network 4.63 5.45 7.15 0.946 **
Supine VGG-16 (No Aug) 1.51 1.57 2.18 0.992 **
VGG-19 (Aug) 4.48 3.22 5.52 0.962 **
Ensemble Network 2.28 1.81 2.91 0.988 **

MAE = mean absolute error; SDAE = standard deviation of absolute error; RMSE = root mean square error; CC = Pearson’s correlation coefficient. Two asterisks represent significant correlation level at p < 0.01. The lowest error and highest correlation values are bolded.