Table 1.
Patient Medical Records Information
Patient | Pathology | Dystrophin | CPK | At |
Number | Analysis1 | (IU/L)2 | Age | |
(years) | ||||
01 | Consistent with | Absent | 12,500 | 6.5 |
DMD | ||||
02 | Consistent with | Absent | 15,000 | 6.5 |
DMD | ||||
03 | Consistent with | Absent | 15,820 | 4.0 |
DMD | ||||
04 | Consistent with | Absent | 23,000 | 5.5 |
DMD | ||||
053 | Consistent with | Absent with rare | 21,000 | 2.5 |
DMD | positive fibers | |||
06 | Consistent with | Absent | 14,000 | 7.5 |
DMD | ||||
07 | Consistent with | Absent | 11,906 | 3.7 |
DMD | ||||
08 | Consistent with | Absent | 14,000 | 4.0 |
1Dystrophin analysis by either western blot or immunohistochemistry or both. 2Normal range of CPK level is 0–250 IU/L. 3Patient 05 was also tested for the sarcoglycans and all were found present