A, B
Activity of the auxin marker pDR5rev::2xGFP‐N7 in stage 4 (s4) floral buds of WT (A) and sup‐1 (B). In WT flowers, the fluorescence signal was detected mostly at the tips of the sepals and at the sites (p, marked with the arrows) where the petal primordia would emerge at later stages (A). In sup‐1 flowers, strong reporter activity was additionally detected at the whorl 3/4 boundary.
C, D
Activity of the auxin reporter DII‐VENUS (green) in stage 4 floral buds of WT (C) and sup‐1 (D). In WT flowers, fluorescence signals were detected at the whorl 3/4 boundary but were absent at the center of the FM and the tips of the sepals (C). In contrast, DII‐VENUS signals were absent at the whorl 3/4 boundary but were detected in the FM region (D).
E, F
sup‐5 flowers after treatment with the anti‐auxin PCIP (F) and mock solutions (E). While the mock treatment did not affect sup‐5 flowers (E), treatment with PCIB strongly rescued both carpels and stamen numbers.
The statistical analysis indicated that PCIB treatment strongly rescued stage 4–5 floral buds, which took approximately 9–10 days to anthesis; the floral buds of stage 6 were best rescued in terms of carpel morphology. Error bars indicate s.d. of 20 flowers from around 10 individual plants; two‐tailed Student's t‐test, *P < 0.05.
pSUP::iaaH transgenic flowers with the IAM treatment mimicked the various sup‐like phenotypes, including increased stamen numbers and defective carpels, as shown in the SEM images of the flowers (H, I). Wild‐type plants (lacking pSUP:iaaH) were treated with IAM as a negative control. The number of free stamen, fusion stamen, and carpels was determined for a total of 20 flowers from 20 individual plants and is summarized in (J). Error bars indicate s.d.
Data information: Scale bars, 20 μm for (A–D), 200 μm for (E, F, H, I).