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. 2017 May 16;23(5):1205–1212. doi: 10.1038/mp.2017.98

Table 1. Customized self-report questionnaire of autistic traits in the general population.

1 By looking at someone’s face, I find it easy to work out what he or she is thinking or feeling (1)
2 I find it hard to make new friends (1)a
3 I enjoy social occasions such as birthdays, receptions, and so on (1)
4 I can quickly work out whether someone is fascinated by what I say (1)
5 As a child, I was a late talker or I had other speech-related problems (2)a
6 I don’t know how to keep a conversation going (1)a
7 People tell me that I keep going on and on about the same thing (1)a
8 I find making stories up easy (1)
9 I often get so absorbed in one thing that I lose sight of other things (1)a
10 It upsets me if my daily routine is disturbed (1)a
11 I prefer to do things the same way over and over again (1)a
12 I tend to notice details that others do not (1)a
13 As a child, I often retreated to my own world or I rarely played with other children (2)a
14 As a child, I moved in a rigid way or I tended to repeat certain movements (2)a
15 As a child, I often repeated the same words or I made up new words (2)a
16 As a child, I often took statements and jokes literally (2)a
17 As a child, I enjoyed playing games involving pretending with other children (1)
18 As a child, I frequently became upset by sudden and unexpected changes (2)a

The 18 questionnaire items were taken or derived from the AQ (designated with (1)) and the DSM-IV section about autism spectrum disorders (designated with (2)).

Abbreviations: AQ, Autism Spectrum Quotient; DSM-IV, Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, 4th Edition.


Reverse-scored item.