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. 2018 Apr 2;10(4):e2406. doi: 10.7759/cureus.2406

Table 1. Review of published cases of Rhytidhysteron rufulum.

The nodules were partially retracted in size after two weeks of therapy; however, the patient was expired due to underlying risk factors (renal transplantation, abdominal tuberculosis and multi-organ failure).

PDF: Predisposing factors; DM: Diabetes mellitus; NA: Not available; GMS: Gomori methenamine silver stain; PAS: Periodic acid–Schiff.

  S. No.  Case reports Age/ gender PDF Site and type of lesion/nodule Tissue reaction Direct microscopy Management  
              Medical Surgical
1 Chowdhary et al. [2] 50/M Renal transplantation Noduloulcerative lesions on left foot and few smaller lesions over the shin and thigh Pseudo-epitheliomatous hyperplasia with an extensive dermal infiltrate Thick-walled, spherical, single-celled and two-celled, muriform sclerotic bodies with a brownish tinge and thick-walled chlamydospores. PAS positive. Itraconazole None
2 Mahajan et al. [3] 72/M DM Soft, painless, multi-loculated, non-tender swelling over the dorsum of the right foot with erythema and few sinuses with crusts. Multiple areas of neutrophilic abscess bounded by epithelioid cells and foreign body giant cells Multiple, broad, septate, irregularly branched, dematiaceous hyphae, toruloid hyphae (chains of yeast cells), and yeast-like cells which were PAS positive Itraconazole,  terbinafine and liposomal amphotericin Swelling was surgically excised
3 Mishra et al. [4] 65/M None Well circumscribed, indurated, blackish, non-tender, painless subcutaneous nodule on tendoachilles region in the left foot Intense neutrophilic reaction Thick brown branching septate hyphae. Hyphae were PAS positive and no spherical or sclerotic bodies were present Terbinafine and itraconazole None
4 Chander et al. [5] 45/M None Mobile, non-tender swelling on thedorsal aspect of the right foot Intense neutrophilic reaction with lymphocytes, macrophages and few septate hyphae Long, thick, septate, tortuous, dark brown hyphae and no sclerotic bodies. Fungal hyphae highlighted on PAS staining Itraconazole None
5 Chander et al. [5] 50/M None Small, soft, non-tender, movablenodule on the anterolateral aspect of left knee     Itraconazole Swelling was surgically excised
6 Yadav et al. [6]   54/M None Well-defined, painless subcutaneous swelling on anterior aspect of right leg Acute and chronic inflammatory cells and necrotic background Thick, long septate hyphae Itraconazole None
7 Tejashree et al. [7]   59/M DM Painless, large, soft, slowly progressive, swelling, noduloulcerative lesion on his right leg Mononuclear  inflammatory cell infiltrates Septate, branching pheoid hyphae Itraconazole Swelling was surgically excised
8 Present case 40/F None Small, well circumscribed, firm, painless, free mobile swelling on the base of 3rd phalanx of the right hand   Inflammatory background showing neutrophils and necrotic debris Thick branching septate hyphae with constrictions and bulbous appearance which stained positive for PAS and GMS. Occasional thick-walled chlamydospores were present NA NA