Fig 3.
In vivo multimodal detection of PLGA-PFCE-ICG nanoparticles. (A) Multimodal imaging (PA, US, 19F MRI and fluorescence) of PLGA-PFCE-ICG nanoparticles injected into a thigh muscle of a mouse. The signal coming from the nanoparticles is clearly detectable with all imaging modalities. (n=3) (B) Nanoparticles detection in popliteal lymph node at 4 hours' time point. (C) PLGA-PFCE-ICG nanoparticles were injected into a mouse foot pad and the popliteal lymph node was imaged 30 and 240 minutes after injection. PA signal in the node increased from 1.0 PA average amplitude at 30-minute time point to 1.97 PA average amplitude at 4-hour time point at the absorption peak.