Fig. 2.
Three measures of microbial community diversity in subgingival plaque samples from youth perinatally exposed to HIV and uninfected (PHEU) and perinatally HIV-infected (PHIV). (a) Rarefaction curves show that richness (number of taxa detected versus number of sequences per sample) is similar for PHEU and PHIV. This analysis was restricted to subjects whose samples had ≥ 65,000 sequences (PHIV, n = 75; PHEU, n = 46). Alpha diversity for microbial taxa’s abundance based on the Shannon index (b) and Simpson index (c), by HIV infection status (PHIV, n = 154; PHEU, n = 100). Diversity for PHIV youth was comparable to, though very slightly lower than that for, PHEU youth (p > 0.3 for comparison of either index based on a t test)