Changes in volume following rmbTBI. (A) At 7 days post-injury, volume reductions were limited to a few areas in the hippocampus (Hc) and inferior colliculus (IC). Conversely, volume increases were detected in the motor (M1) and cingulate cortex (Cg), septum (Spt), striatum (CPu, caudate putamen), thalamus (Thal), dorsal raphe nucleus (DR), and cerebellum (Cb). Among white matter tracts, the internal capsule (ic) and cerebral peduncles (cp) appeared larger in injured animals. (B) At 90 days post-injury, regional morphometric reductions in volume were more extensive. Areas of atrophy included olfactory regions (Olf), thalamic nuclei such as the medial geniculate nucleus (MG), IC, and vestibular nuclei (Ve), as well as the internal capsule, fimbria/stria terminalis (fi/st), and posterior commissure (pc). The amygdala (Amy) showed areas of hypertrophy at both time points. Voxel-wise data are presented as t maps, uncorrected (p < .01); R = right (ipsilateral hemisphere), L = left (contralateral hemisphere); scalebar = 2 mm.