Cells in which BAX, BAK, double BAX/BAK (A–B), or BIM (C–D) were knocked out using CRISPR or non-targeting (NT) control cells were exposed to 10 nM venetoclax and/or 500 nM GDC-0980. Cells were either lysed after 2 hr and subjected to western blot analysis (A–C), or analyzed for the extent of apoptosis at 5 hr using Annexin V staining (B–D). Error Bars, S.D for at least 4 independent experiments. For B: P = 0.0004; P = 0.0027; P = 0.0002 for BAX−/−, BAK−/−, or BAX−/−BAK−/− cells respectively compared to NT cells; for D: P = 0.1307 for BIM−/− cells vs NT cells.