Figure 2.
Insulin secretion measured by perifusion and static GSIS on EndoC-βH1 pseudoislets and monolayer cells after stimulation with 0.5 mM glucose (low glucose), 11.2 mM glucose (high glucose), or in combination with the GLP-1R agonist Ex4, used at 100 nM. A) Staining of EndoC-βH1 pseudoislets with calcein (green) and ethidium homodimer-1 (red), scale bar 500 μm. B) Immunocytochemical staining and confocal imaging of insulin (green), SST (red) and DAPI (grey) in EndoC-βH1 pseudoislets. C) Insulin secretion measured by perifusion of EndoC-βH1 pseudoislets, 1000 islets per condition; starvation in low glucose performed for 86 min prior to stimulation for 40 min, n = 3. D) SI for perifusion of EndoC-βH1 pseudoislets (n = 3), for static GSIS in EndoC-βH1 monolayer (n = 9) and pseudoislets (n = 3) based on percent of secreted insulin of total insulin content; for perifusion SI-calculations were based on AUC/min, for the 38 min stimulation period. E) Insulin secretion measured by perifusion on pseudoislets and static GSIS on EndoC-βH1 monolayer cells and pseudoislets, n = 3–9. F) Effect of BBs; 10 nM GRP, 10 nM NMB C, 10 nm NMB B32 and 10 nM NMB B on insulin secretion in EndoC-βH1 monolayer cells measured by GSIS, n = 3. G) Effect of 100 nM PACAP 27 and 10 nM PACAP 38 on insulin secretion in EndoC-βH1 monolayer cells measured by static GSIS, n = 3. Data are shown as mean + SEM. P-values determined by unpaired One Way ANOVA and Student's t-test. The # symbol illustrates significant difference from low glucose; #∼p < 0.05; ##∼p < 0.01. The $ symbol illustrates significant difference from low glucose + Ex-4, $∼p < 0.05; $$∼p < 0.01. The * symbol illustrates significant difference from high glucose, *∼p < 0.05; **∼p < 0.01. The ° symbol illustrates significant difference from high glucose + Ex-4, °∼p < 0.05; °°∼p < 0.01.