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. 2018 May 28;9:830. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2018.00830

Table 2.

Mean (SD) of WISC-IV Short-Form Scores and formulas.

Intellectually gifted children (n = 117) Typical children (n = 52) dSa Statistical formulasa
Short Form M (SD) Skew Kurt M (SD) Skew Kurt
2 Subtests
   SiMr 132.77 (9.48) −0.04 −0.56 109.72 (8.16) −0.32 0.15 2.533** 3.01 × (Si+Mr) + 39.81
   SiPc 135.03 (8.83) −0.34 −0.06 105.87 (7.95) −0.01 −0.77 3.402** 3.05 × (Si+Pc) + 38.92
   SiBd 132.12 (9.45) 0.16 −0.02 107.03 (10.16) −0.24 −0.21 2.594** 3.02 × (Si+Bd) + 39.59
   VoMr 130.47 (9.56) −0.28 0.06 109.00 (7.39) −0.58 0.30 2.400** 3.00 × (Vo+Mr) + 40.02
   VoPc 132.69 (8.89) −0.23 −0.40 105.15 (9.05) −0.15 0.16 3.081** 3.04 × (Vo+Pc) + 39.14
   VoBd 130.48 (9.93) −0.04 0.31 106.45 (9.27) 0.13 −0.36 2.469** 3.08 × (Vo+Bd) + 38.45
   CoMr 129.22 (10.27) 0.20 −0.22 107.27 (8.81) −0.62 0.53 2.229** 3.13 × (Co+Mr) + 37.50
   CoPc 130.92 (10.93) −0.18 −0.04 103.17 (8.71) −0.54 −0.27 2.693** 3.11 × (Co+Pc) + 37.74
   CoBd 129.23 (11.97) 0.29 −0.47 104.57 (9.01) −0.11 −0.25 2.212** 3.21 × (Co+Bd) + 35.72
4 Subtests
   SiVoMrPc 136.05 (7.83) −0.16 −0.10 108.21 (7.21) −0.23 −0.82 3.643** 1.67 × (Si+Vo+Mr+Pc) + 33.33
   SiVoMrBd 134.54 (8.08) 0.09 −0.35 108.85 (7.87) −0.46 −0.53 3.206** 1.66 × (Si+Vo+Mr+Bd) + 33.55
   SiVoPcBd 136.40 (7.40) 0.17 −0.06 106.84 (7.74) −0.34 −0.88 3.939** 1.70 × (Si+Vo+Pc+Bd) + 31.88
   SiCoMrPc 135.92 (8.42) 0.12 −0.10 107.33 (6.36) −0.52 −0.50 3.641** 1.73 × (Si+Co+Mr+Pc) + 30.99
   SiCoMrBd 134.56 (8.67) 0.22 −0.45 108.05 (7.15) −0.48 −0.69 3.220** 1.73 × (Si+Co+Mr+Bd) + 30.83
   SiCoPcBd 136.31 (8.55) −0.02 −0.29 105.91 (6.22) −0.75 −0.08 3.841** 1.77 × (SI+Co+Pc+Bd) + 29.38
   VoCoMrPc 134.50 (8.73) 0.09 −0.32 106.90 (6.57) −0.62 0.23 3.394** 1.72 × (Vo+Co+Mr+Pc) + 31.32
   VoCoMrBd 133.38 (9.10) 0.40 −0.42 107.67 (6.44) −0.58 −0.66 3.068** 1.73 × (Vo+Co+Mr+Bd) + 30.66
   VoCoPcBd 135.11 (9.01) 0.12 −0.39 105.51 (6.26) −0.72 0.72 3.581** 1.77 × (Vo+Co+Pc+Bd) + 29.20

n = 169; Si, Similitaries; Vo, Vocabulary; Co, Comprehension; Mr, Matrix Reasoning; Pc, Pictures Concept; Bd, Block Design;


p < 0.01 with Bonferroni correction.


Cohen's d for two independent sample (Equation 1 from Lakens, 2013).


Equation (4) from Tellegen and Briggs (1967).