Table 4.
Estimated associations among job characteristics, psychological distress, and work engagement a,b (N = 30,998 observations of 10,207 individuals)
Dependent variable= K6 scores | Individual term (A) | Interaction term with work engagement (B) | Moderating effect of work engagement | ||||||||||
βc | 95% CId | β | 95% CI | - (B) / (A) (%) | 95% CI | ||||||||
a Adjusted for gender, age, educational level, job classification, smoking, alcohol consumption, physical activity, income, and the number of family members. b The estimated coefficients of work engagement are not reported to save space. c Standardized regression coefficient. d Confidence interval. *** p < .001, ** p < .01, ** p < .05. | |||||||||||||
(1) Joint model | |||||||||||||
Job demands | |||||||||||||
Workload and time pressure | 0.128 | *** | (0.113, | 0.142) | –0.025 | *** | (–0.038, | –0.011) | 19.2 | *** | (8.8, | 29.6) | |
Role ambiguity | 0.103 | *** | (0.086, | 0.120) | –0.010 | *** | (–0.026, | –0.006) | 9.9 | (–5.7, | 25.5) | ||
Job resources | |||||||||||||
Decision latitude | 0.001 | (–0.017, | 0.019) | –0.002 | (–0.017, | 0.013) | _ | _ | |||||
Supervisor support | –0.022 | ** | (–0.037, | –0.007) | –0.010 | ** | (–0.023, | –0.004) | –44.5 | (–113.2, | 24.2) | ||
Co-worker support | –0.036 | *** | (–0.051, | –0.022) | 0.015 | *** | (0.001, | 0.028) | 40.1 | * | (1.6, | 78.6) | |
Extrinsic reward | –0.150 | *** | (–0.168, | –0.132) | 0.017 | *** | (0.001, | 0.033) | 11.3 | * | (0.9, | 21.8) | |
Work engagement | –0.162 | *** | (–0.183, | –0.141) | |||||||||
(2) Separate models | |||||||||||||
Job demands | |||||||||||||
Workload and time pressure | 0.156 | *** | (0.141, | 0.171) | –0.028 | *** | (–0.041, | –0.014) | 17.8 | *** | (9.0, | 26.5) | |
Role ambiguity | 0.156 | *** | (0.139, | 0.173) | –0.019 | *** | (–0.032, | –0.005) | 12.0 | * | (3.1, | 20.9) | |
Job resources | |||||||||||||
Decision latitude | –0.041 | (–0.060, | 0.022) | 0.008 | (–0.006, | 0.022) | _ | _ | |||||
Supervisor support | –0.098 | ** | (–0.113, | –0.083) | 0.008 | ** | (–0.004, | –0.020) | 8.1 | (–4.2, | 20.5) | ||
Co-worker support | –0.081 | *** | (0.095, | 0.066) | 0.021 | *** | (0.008, | 0.033) | 25.7 | ** | (10.1, | 41.3) | |
Extrinsic reward | –0.207 | *** | (0.225, | 0.190) | 0.028 | *** | (0.015, | 0.041) | 13.7 | *** | (7.3, | 20.0) |