GPS prediction of intelligence and educational attainment has increased linearly with sample size. The predictive power of GPS derived from GWAS of intelligence has risen in the last 2 years from 1% to 4%. The latest EA3 GPS predicts more than 10% of the variance in intelligence (P. D. Koellinger, personal communication), more than twice as much as the latest IQ3 GPS. Extrapolating from the results of EA3 with a sample size of over one million, we predict that more than 10% of the variance in intelligence will be predicted from an IQ GPS derived from a GWAS of intelligence with a sample size of one million. IQ122: n = 54,000, r2 = 0.01. IQ232: n = 78,000, r2 = 0.03. IQ333: n = 280,000, r2 = 0.04. EA128: n = 125,000, r2 = 0.02. EA230: n = 294,000, r2 = 0.03. EA3: n = 1,100,000, r2 > 0.10.