Figure 2. Severity of disease is associated with diminished expression of interferon-related modules and over-expression of inflammation modules.
(a) Weighted MDTH of 2010/11 influenza patients (n=109) grouped by severity of illness score (1: normoxic (n=47); 2: hypoxia requiring correction by mask oxygen (n=34); 3: mechanical ventilation (n=28)), compared to healthy controls (HC; n=130), based on 4526 transcripts that were significantly expressed above background and filtered for low expression (transcripts retained if >2FC from median normalised intensity value in more than 10% of all samples). Box whisker plots are shown with min/max lines. (b) Modular analysis of 2010/11 influenza patients (n=109) grouped by severity, relative to healthy controls (n=130). The colour intensity correlates with the percentage of genes in that module that are significantly differentially expressed.