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. 2018 Apr 26;10(5):535. doi: 10.3390/nu10050535

Table A3.

Odds ratios (ORs) for child stunting, maternal overweight/obesity, and SCOWT using simple and multiple logistic mixed models.

Variable Child Stunting Maternal Overweight/Obesity SCOWT
Crude OR 95% CI Adjusted OR Adjusted 95% CI Crude OR 95% CI Adjusted OR Adjusted 95% CI Crude OR 95% CI Adjusted OR Adjusted 95% CI
Child Gender
Male Ref. Ref. Ref. Ref.
Female 0.612 ** (0.441–0.849) 1.696 ** (1.077–2.672) 1.16 (0.834–1.614) 0.74 (0.515–1.064)
Child Age 0.989 (0.969–1.009) 1.014 (0.993–1.036) 0 -
Maternal Age 0.996 (0.963–1.031) 1.026 (0.99–1.063) 1.02 (0.982–1.06)
Maternal literacy
Illiterate Ref. Ref. Ref.
Partially literate 0.994 (0.47–2.105) 0.897 (0.395–2.037) 1.021 (0.457–2.28)
Literate 0.702 (0.374–1.316) 0.826 (0.416–1.637) 0.782 (0.396–1.547)
Maternal education
Low education Ref. Ref. Ref. Ref.
Educated 0.534 ** (0.342–0.834) 0.596 * (0.372–0.954) 0.814 (0.537–1.235) 0.565 * (0.34–0.937)
Highly educated 0.58 (0.213–1.579) 0.735 (0.242–2.23) 0.717 (0.329–1.565) 0.849 (0.294–2.454)
Family type
Nuclear family Ref. Ref. Ref.
Extended family 0.976 (0.663–1.435) 0.901 (0.613–1.324) 1.291 (0.584–1.361)
Number of child at home
1–2 children Ref. Ref. Ref. Ref.
3–4 children 1.48 (0.978–2.238) 1.75 * (1.108–2.762) 1.75 * (1.108–2.762) 1.852 ** (1.184–2.898)
>4 children 1.381 (0.422–4.525) 0.473 (0.15–1.484) 0.473 (0.15–1.484) 1.229 (0.317–4.766)
Number of children under 5 years in household
1 child Ref. Ref. Ref.
2 children 0.987 (0.524–1.86) 0.745 (0.401–1.384) 1.015 (0.504–2.044)
3 children 0.877 (0.054–14.25) 0.855 (0.052–13.963) 1.497 (0.091–24.713)
Maternal occupation
Housewife without maid Ref. Ref. Ref.
Housewife with maid 1.472 (0.508–4.267) 2.374 (0.572–9.859) 1.935 (0.653–5.733)
Private sector 0.435 (0.158–1.198) 1.41 (0.536–3.705) 0.795 (0.286–2.212)
Trade and entrepreneur 0.772 (0.339–1.756) 0.734 (0.334–1.611) 0.686 (0.262–1.798)
Labor/miscellaneous 0.719 (0.286–1.807) 1.245 (0.485–3.193) 0.817 (0.294–2.274)
Paternal occupation
Government officer Ref. Ref. Ref.
Private sector 4.914 ** (1.476–16.36) 0.97 (0.441–2.135) 3.963 * (1.05–14.961)
Trade and entrepreneur 7.274 *** (2.099–25.208) 0.904 (0.386–2.12) 4.84 * (1.23–19.05)
Labor 7.196*** (2.14–24.201) 1.455 (0.654–3.239) 5.77 ** (1.542–21.586)
Other 11.117 *** (3.157–39.153) 0.977 (0.395–2.414) 7.436 ** (1.871–29.549)
Paternal smoking status
Non–smoker Ref. Ref. Ref.
Smoker 0.97 (0.677–1.389) 1.081 (0.756–1.546) 0.973 (0.652–1.451)
Food insecurity
Food secure Ref. Ref. Ref. Ref. Ref.
Mildly food insecure 1.74 * (1.043–2.903) 1.687 (0.985–2.889) 1.286 (0.76–2.176) 2.647 *** (1.486–4.712) 2.798 *** (1.54–5.083)
Moderately food insecure 1.514 (0.84–2.729) 1.562 (0.842–2.897) 1.174 (0.646–2.135) 2.254 * (1.17–4.342) 2.53 ** (1.286–4.98)
Severely food insecure 2.182 ** (1.28–3.717) 2.005 * (1.14–3.526) 1.111 (0.647–1.91) 2.057 * (1.112–3.804) 2.045 * (1.087–3.848)

Households with children between 2 and 5 years old from communities with high risk of underweight children in Surabaya, Indonesia. Odds from those food-secure households. * p < 0.05, ** p < 0.01, *** p < 0.001; p-values and estimated values obtained by fitting a Mixed Effect Model accounting for Posyandu; Adjustment for Multiple Comparisons: Dunnett-Hsu.