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. 2018 May 11;10(5):595. doi: 10.3390/nu10050595

Table 3.

Prospective cohort studies of allium vegetables and cardiovascular disease outcomes.

Study Cohort (Country) Sample Number Sex Age (years) Dietary Assessment Method Outcome Follow-up (years) Results First Author, Year (ref)
PLSAW (Australia) 1226 F ≥70 FFQ ASVD (fatal ischemic heart disease, heart failure, cerebrovascular disease excluding hemorrhage, or peripheral heart disease) 15 15% ↓ HR (per 5 g/day) Blekkenhorst, 2017 [72]
SWHS (China) 67,211 F 40–70 FFQ CHD (fatal CHD or nonfatal MI) 9.8 No association Yu, 2013 [83]
NHS (USA) 66,360 F 30–55 FFQ CHD (fatal CHD or nonfatal MI) 12 No association Lin, 2007 [85]
SMHS (China) 55,474 M 40–75 FFQ CHD (fatal CHD or nonfatal MI) 5.4 No association Yu, 2013 [83]
MORGEN (The Netherlands) 20,069 M and F 20–65 FFQ CHD (fatal CHD or nonfatal acute MI) 10 No association Oude Griep, 2011 [75]
FSII (Finland) 2748 M 30–69 DHQ CHD (death) 26 No association Knekt, 1996 [86]
FSII (Finland) 2385 F 30–69 DHQ CHD (death) 26 50% ↓ RR (high vs. low intake) Knekt, 1996 [86]
Caerphilly Study (UK) 2512 M 45–59 FFQ IHD (IHD death, nonfatal MI, MI define by electrocardiogram) 10 No association Hertog, 1997 [87]
PLSAW (Australia) 1226 F ≥70 FFQ IHD (death) 15 18% ↓ HR (per 5 g/day) Blekkenhorst, 2017 [72]
FMCHES (Finland) 9208 M and F ≥15 DHQ CVA (fatal or nonfatal) 28 No association Knekt, 2000 [88]
PLSAW (Australia) 1226 F ≥70 FFQ Ischemic CVA (death) 15 25% ↓ HR (per 5 g/day) Blekkenhorst, 2017 [72]
SMC and COSM (Sweden) 74,961 M and F 45–83 FFQ Stroke (cerebral infarction, hemorrhagic stroke or unspecified stroke) 10.2 No association Larsson, 2013 [77]
FMCHES (Finland) 9208 M and F ≥15 DHQ Acute strokes 28 No association Knekt, 2000 [88]
DDCHS (Denmark) 54,506 M and F 50–64 FFQ Ischemic stroke (ischemic infarction, intracerebral hemorrhage or subarachnoid hemorrhage) 3.09 No association Johnsen, 2003 [79]
FMCHES (Finland) 9208 M and F ≥15 DHQ Intracerebral hemorrhage 28 No association Knekt, 2000 [88]
FMCHES (Finland) 9208 M and F ≥15 DHQ Thrombosis or embolia 28 No association Knekt, 2000 [88]

ASVD, atherosclerotic vascular disease; CHD, coronary heart disease; COSM, Cohort of Swedish Men; CVA, cerebrovascular disease; DDCHS, Danish Diet, Cancer, and Healthy Study; DHQ, dietary history questionnaire; F, female; FFQ, food frequency questionnaire; FMCHES, Finnish Mobile Clinic Health Examination Survey; FSII, Finnish Social Insurance Institution; HR, hazard ratio; IHD, ischemic heart disease; M, male; MI, myocardial infarction; MORGEN, Monitoring Project on Risk Factors and Chronic Diseases in The Netherlands; NHS, Nurses’ Health Study; PLSAW, Perth Longitudinal Study of Ageing Women; ref, reference; RR, relative risk; SMC, Swedish Mammography Cohort; SMHS, Shanghai Men’s Health Study; SWHS, Shanghai Women’s Health Study.