Table 1.
Reported adverse cardiovascular events associated with cannabis, synthetic cannabinoids and cannabimimetics
Acute coronary syndrome |
Coronary thrombosis without atherosclerosisS1–S3 |
Recurrent coronary thrombosisS4 |
Acute myocardial infarction |
Non-fatalS5–S8 |
FatalS4 |
Worsening of stable anginaS10–S12 |
Coronary vasospasmS13–S18 |
Recurrent coronary vasospasmS19 |
Coronary no reflowS20,S21 |
Cerebrovascular disease |
Ischemic strokeS22–S28 |
Recurrent stroke with re-challengeS29 |
Stroke with posterior circulation predilectionS30, S31 |
Cerebral vasospasmS32–S33 |
Reversible cerebral vasoconstriction syndromeS34, S35 |
Synthetic cannabinoid and acute cerebrovascular eventS36 |
Congestive heart failure |
Transient left ventricular regional ballooningS37, S38 |
Acute congestive heart failureS39 |
Synthetic cannabinoids and acute congestive heart failureS40, S41 |
Diastolic dysfunctionS42 |
Rhythm disturbances |
Asystole and atrioventricular blockS43 |
Increase in premature ventricular contractionsS44 |
Ectopic atrial rhythmS45 |
Atrial fibrillationS46, S47 |
Ventricular tachycardiaS48 |
Ventricular fibrillationS49 |
Sudden cardiacdeathS50–S53 |
Vasculopathy |
Cannabis arteritisS54–S57 |
Migratory thrombophlebitisS58 |
Renal artery dissectionS59 |
Central retinal vein occlusionS60 |
Fetal cardiovascular complications |
Maternal use and single ventricle physiologyS61 |
Maternal use and transposition of great arteriesS62 |
Paternal use and membranous ventricular septal defectsS63 |
Intra-uterine growth retardationS64 |
Miscellaneous |
RhabdomyolysisS65 |
Superscript notations refer to references listed in Supplementary Appendix 1