Geographical Location of Botswana in Africa
(A) The location of Botswana (gray-shaded) on the African continent.
(B) The approximate regions within Botswana where self-reported ethnicities represented in the study are traditionally located. Abbreviations: TUT, Bakalanga; SHO, Shona; BOB, Babirwa; TSW, Batswapong; SER, Bangwato; KKRA, Bakgatla-Ba-Kgafela; TLO, Batlokwa; MOL, Bakwena; MMA, Bakgatla-Ba-Mmanaana; HUR, Bahurutshe; KAN, Bangwaketse; ROL, Barolong; RAM, Balete; BAB, Babolaongwe; SHA, Bashaga; PHA, Baphaleng. Color shades give the approximate population density across the country. Regions marked ‘K’ and ‘R’ correspond to the primary concentrations of individuals belonging to the K and R Guthrie groups.