Figure 4.
Retinal Imaging and Histology in EAU and C9−/− EAU Mice
(A) Horizontal OCT scans showing retinal foldings in the retina (red arrow) and vitreous cellular infiltrates (white arrow) in EAU and C9−/− EAU group. (B) Retinal sections (5 μm) were generated from paraffin-embedded eyes on day 24 post-EAU induction and stained with H&E. Infiltration of inflammatory immune cells in the vitreous (V) are shown by black arrows; black asterisk represents retinal (R) detachment; retinal folds are shown by white arrowheads. (C–E) Severity of EAU pathology is represented by individually scoring infiltration (C), vasculitis (D), and photoreceptor damage (E), as described in the Materials and Methods and Results. Values are represented as mean ± SEM. RPE-CH, RPE and choroid; R, retina; V, vitreous; GCL, ganglion cell layer; INL, inner nuclear layer; ONL, outer nuclear layer; OS, outer segments; OpN, optic nerve. Scale bar, 100 μm.