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. 2018 Jun 4;11:332. doi: 10.1186/s13071-018-2899-0

Table 1.

Distribution of different kdr mutations in Ae. aegypti in Southeast Asia

Country Mutation Reference
Cambodia F1534C [60, 61]
V1016G [61]
Indonesia V1016G [10, 37, 44, 61, 63, 66]
F1534C [10, 44, 61, 63, 66]
S989P [10, 44, 63]
V1016G/S989P [10, 44, 63]
Laos V1016G [43]
F1534C [43]
Malaysia V1016G [9]
F1534C [9]
Myanmar V1016G [39, 61]
S989P [39]
F1534C [39, 61]
V1016G/S989P [39]
V1016G/F1534C [39]
V1016G/F1534C/S989P [39]
Philippines na
Singapore F1534C [25, 93]
V1016G [25, 40, 93]
Thailand I1011V [40]
F1534C [60, 61, 108]
S989P/V1016G [42, 112]
V1016G [37, 40, 61]
V1016G/F1534C/S989P [109]
Timor-Leste na
Vietnam V1016I [41]
I1011V [126]
F1534C [126]
V1016G [126]

Abbreviation: na, not available