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. 2018 Jun 4;18:55. doi: 10.1186/s12894-018-0372-1

Table 2.

Clinical characteristics of men with favorable risk PCa in OBS vs IMT cohorts

(n = 362) (n = 1063)
N % N % p-value Standardized difference a
Comorbid Indices (CCI)
 0 225 62.2% 750 70.6% <.01 17.83
 1 59 16.3% 183 17.2% 0.69 2.45
 2+ 78 21.6% 130 12.2% <.01 25.04
Comorbid Conditions
 Hypertension 153 42.3% 405 38.1% 0.16 8.50
 Diabetes 61 16.9% 134 12.6% 0.04 11.99
 COPD 43 11.9% 82 7.7% 0.02 14.03
 Congestive Heart Failure 13 3.6% 27 2.5% 0.30 6.09
 Dementia 0 0.0% 3 0.3% 0.31 7.52
 Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia 130 35.9% 388 36.5% 0.84 1.22
Body Mass Index
 Underweight (< 18.5) 1 0.3% 5 0.5% 0.62 3.18
 Normal (18.5–24.9) 42 11.6% 102 9.6% 0.27 6.52
 Overweight (25.0–29.9) 118 32.6% 342 32.2% 0.88 0.90
 Obese (≥30) 112 30.9% 336 31.6% 0.81 1.44
 Unknown 89 24.6% 278 26.2% 0.56 3.60
Family History of Prostate Cancer
 Yes 74 20.4% 262 24.7% 0.10 10.07
 No 208 57.5% 598 56.3% 0.69 2.43
 Unknown 80 22.1% 203 19.1% 0.22 7.42
 Family History of Cancer 109 30.1% 339 31.9% 0.53 3.85
Prostate Cancer Characteristics
 Index PSA (Mean, SD) 5.8 2.5 5.7 2.5 0.31 6.31
  < 4 ng/mL 69 19.1% 208 19.6% 0.83 1.28
 4–10 ng/mL 256 70.7% 758 71.3% 0.83 1.30
  > 10 ng/mL 30 8.3% 77 7.2% 0.52 3.90
 Unknown 7 1.9% 20 1.9% 0.95 0.38
Index Clinical Stage b
 Stage 1 303 83.7% 855 80.4% 0.17 8.52
 Stage 2 55 15.2% 184 17.3% 0.35 5.73
 Unknown 4 1.1% 24 2.3% 0.17 8.97
 Index Total Gleason Score = 3 + 4 83 22.9% 377 35.5% <.01 27.82
Risk Category c
 Low-risk 236 65.2% 585 55.0% <.01 20.84
 Intermediate-risk 117 32.3% 461 43.4% <.01 22.91
 Unknown 9 2.5% 17 1.6% 0.28 6.27

OBS observation, IMT immediate treatment, SD standard deviation, COPD chronic obstructive pulmonary disease

aSD = standardized difference (SD is defined as the difference in sample means or proportions divided by standard error; reported as 100*|actual standardize difference|. Standardize differences >|10| are considered significant

bClinical stage: anatomic Extent of the disease based on the clinical T, N and M element

cRisk Categories: Low risk (T1-T2A, PSA level ≤ 10 ng/mL, and Gleason score ≤ 6) and intermediate-risk (T1 or T2, PSA level > 10 and ≤ 20 ng/mL, and Gleason score = 7)