Fig. 7.
Growth response curves of PEA1 and PEA2 ovarian cancer cells treated with combinations of glycolysis inhibitors with chemotherapy or metformin. a. 3PO with cisplatin. 3PO concentrations between 0.5-30μΜ alone (blue line) or combined with a constant concentration of cisplatin (red line) were evaluated. In green the effect of 1μΜ (PEA1) or 4μΜ (PEA2) cisplatin on cell viability is presented. b. 3PO with paclitaxel. 3PO concentrations between 0.5-30μΜ alone (blue line) or combined with a constant concentration of paclitaxel (red line) were evaluated. In green the effect of 1μΜ (PEA1) or 2μΜ (PEA2) paclitaxel on cell viability is presented. c. STF31 with metformin. Concentration response curves of PEA1 and PEA2 ovarian cancer cells treated with STF31 concentrations between 0.5-30μΜ alone (blue line) or combined with 1 mM metformin (red line). In green the effect of 1 mM metformin on cell viability is presented. d. Oxamic acid with metformin. Concentration response curves of PEA1 and PEA2 ovarian cancer cells treated with oxamic acid concentrations between 1.56-100mΜ alone (blue line) or combined with 1 mM metformin (red line). In green the effect of 1 mM metformin on cell viability is presented. Cell viability was determined by an SRB assay after a 3-day treatment. Mean results of 6 replicates are reported and error bars represent standard deviations. Values are shown as a percentage of control. Asterisks indicate synergistic combination points with *CI value lower than 0.8 and **CI value lower than 0.3