Figure 2. Patient’s Radiographic Findings.
(A) Left femur at age 3 weeks shows the angulation seen in utero, and a mid-shaft healing fracture.
(B) Lateral projection of the spine at age 3 weeks demonstrates osteopenia and compression fractures of all lumbar vertebral bodies and T6 and T12.
(C) Frontal projection of the pelvis and hips at 10 months reveals osteopenia, femoral bowing, and healing fractures in both femoral mid-shafts.
(D) Lower extremities at 3 years-of-age shows healing femoral osteotomies, Fassier-Durval nails, osteopenia, and multiple sclerotic lines from intravenous pamidronate.
(E) Lateral lumbar spine at 4 years demonstrates osteopenia and an L5 pars defect and spondylolisthesis, but some vertebral body compression fracture improvement.
(F) There is incomplete healing of tibial osteotomies, tibial and femoral nailings, and incomplete healing of the femoral osteotomies.