Fig. 6.
Converse analyses of ‘tumor connectivity’ shows that the small brain tumor was synchronized with intra-hemispheric ROI and the large brain tumor synchronized with inter-hemispheric.
(a) Label fields for a small tumor-bearing (tumor volume = 2.67 mm3) murine brain showing L/R neocortex (green), L/R hippocampus (purple), L/R thalamus (cyan), L/R striatum (white), L/R hypothalamus (orange), L/R olfactory bulb (yellow), brainstem (pink), and tumor (red) (b) Tumor resting-state connectivity map overlaid on anatomical images. (c) Label fields for large tumor-bearing (tumor volume = 96.93 mm3) murine brain with an identical color map to that shown in (a). (d) Tumor resting-state connectivity map overlaid on anatomical images. The tumor label field is red in (a) and (c). Tumor connectivity maps in (b), (d) were thresholded at p < 0.05 with the Bonferonni correction. Head orientation (L = left, R = right, D = dorsal, V = ventral) is shown in the top right corner of panels (a) and (c). (For interpretation of the references to color in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)