Table 1.
Difficulties in modelling ARDS.
Problems | Factor | Problem in experimental trials | Solution |
Endpoints | Endpoint in clinical trials is 28-day mortality | • Animals may die of shock and not of ARDS • In most studies, animals die within 72 h • Survivors of the initial phase recover completely | • Hemodynamic monitoring • Unknown • Unknown |
Do surrogate endpoints work? | • No accepted surrogate endpoint (i.e. hypoxemia seems not to work*) | • Unknown | |
Relative vs. absolute endpoints | • Many experimental endpoints are relative (i.e. neutrophil fraction in BAL cells, Evans Blue, etc.) and provide little insight into the severity of lung injury | • Use of absolute endpoints such as P/F ratio, w/d ratio, or compliance | |
Hyaline membranes | • Hyaline membranes are difficult to obtain in experimental animals4 | • Unknown | |
ICU treatment | Fluid support | • Without fluid support hypodynamic shock is likely | • Animal ICU; cardiovascular monitoring |
Ventilation | • Mechanical ventilation is a critical risk factor | • Animal ICU; ventilation as second hit | |
FiO2 > 30% | • Despite the general agreement on the important role of ROS in ARDS, the clinical reality where ICU patients are commonly ventilated at FiO2 > 30%,29 and the demonstrated increase in ROS formation during hyperoxic ventilation,38 most animal models are ventilated at an FiO2 of 21% | • Animal ICU; hyperoxia as second hit | |
Disease characteristics | Duration of disease | • Models > 72 h | • Large animal models |
MOF; animals die from shock and not from ARDS | • Contribution of shock and extrapulmonary organs is uncertain in many models | • Monitor extrapulmonary organs; cardiovascular monitoring | |
Heterogeneity of patients, risk factors, sex, microbiome, age, co-morbidities | • Inbred animals may not be representative • Differences between mouse strains39–41 • Biological diversity (age, sex, co-morbidities, genetic heterogeneity),42–44 is commonly intentionally ruled out in animal studies | • Population heterogenization45 • Preclinical randomized controlled multicenter trials46 • Statistical adjustments47 | |
In pneumonia/sepsis there is a gradual/exponential bacterial growth with concomitant immune responses | • Rapid injection of high doses may produce untypical inflammation • Cytokine responses often higher than in patients which may explain why anti-cytokine therapies are more effective in animal models15 | • Slow administration; multiple-hit models • Unknown | |
Lung properties | Lungs are strong and redundant | • Hypoxemia is difficult to induce in healthy animals | • Measure P/F ratio |
Pulmonary inflammation occurs easily | • Differentiate between benign and detrimental inflammation | • Measure degree of injury by absolute parameters | |
Other confounding factors | Ambient temperature | • Mice need 30℃, rats 28℃ for thermoneutrality48 | • Animal ICU • Heated animal facilities |
Untrained immune system | • Humans have a trained immune system • Microbiome likely to modify the disease | • Unknown | |
Standardization | • For example, i.t. administration,† cecal ligation, and puncture model‡ | • Quality management | |
Treatments | • Use of heparin in shock models problematic | • Avoid use of heparin |
In the low tidal ARDSnet trial, oxygenation was worse in the low tidal volume group, which finally had a lower mortality.24
It makes a huge difference where and how tracheal injections are placed. For instance, in our own hands in acid-induced lung injury, the outcome is very different if the same amount is deposited in the trachea as a drop (little effect), as a small streak of liquid (lung injury), or whether it is nebulized (little effect).
In the CLP model, injury depends on the needle diameter and the rate of subsequent wound closure.49
BAL, bronchoalveolar lavage; FiO2, fraction of inspired oxygen; MOF, multiple organ failure; P/F ratio, ratio of arterial PO2 over FiO2; ROS, reactive oxygen species; SPF, specific-pathogen-free.