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. 2018 May 31;8(5):e020423. doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2017-020423

Table 1A.

Indicators and related performance of management of common childhood diseases (MCCD)

Process indicators (based on direct observation) Number (%) of all facilities with observed process Input Indicators Number (%) of all facilities with observed input Overall facility performance
Number (%) *
1. Provider asks for at least two general danger signs† 191 (38.6) N/A N/A 191 (38.6)
2. Provider asks for presence of fever 465 (94.1) N/A N/A 465 (94.1)
3. Provider asks for presence of cough 412 (83.4) N/A N/A 412 (83.4)
4. Provider asks for presence of diarrhoea 370 (74.9) N/A N/A 370 (74.9)
5. Provider asks for presence of ear problems 128 (25.9) N/A N/A 128 (25.9)
6. Provider checks child’s weight 366 (74.1) Functional scale available 448 (90.7) 333 (67.4)
7. Provider checks child’s temperature 477 (96.5) Functional thermometer available 480 (97.1) 463 (93.7)
8. Provider checks for signs of anaemia (conjunctivae, palms) 381 (77.1) N/A N/A 381 (77.1)
9. Provider checks child’s current vaccination status 207 (41.9) N/A N/A 207 (41.9)

*In instances where both process and input indicators were applicable, overall facility performance was only counted once both indicators were performed.

†Per IMCI standard: four general danger signs need to be assessed (difficulties breast feeding/taking any food, considerable vomiting, lethargy, convulsions). Due to the generally low performance of this indicator if measured against this standard, we considered this process to be performed when at least two danger signs were reviewed.

IMCI, Integrated Management of Childhood Illness.