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. 2017 Sep 25;46(7):20170030. doi: 10.1259/dmfr.20170030

Table 1.

CBCT (standard-regular protocol) and multislice spiral CT (MSCT) exposure parameters about the head, cervical spine, ear and dental arches

Device Anatomical area Tube voltage (kV) CTDIvola (mGy) DLP (mGy cm) DAP (mGy cm2) Air kerma (mGy) Current × exposure time (mAs) Rotation timeb (s) Scan diameter (cm) Scan length (cm) Reconstruction FOV (AP, LL × CC) (cm cm) Reconstruction kernel Voxel side (mm) Pixel sizec (mm) Slice thickness (mm) Pitch (mm)
CBCT Head 110 2.49 39.87 794.87 3.75 10.23 18 18 16 18 × 16 0.30
Cervical spine 110 2.84 45.39 904.85 4.27 13.08 18 18 16 18 × 16 0.30
Ear 110 20.57 128.57 1835.18 29.10 141.92 36 15 5 15 × 5 0.15
Dental arches 110 10.53 94.80 1502.40 17.41 77.60 36 12 8 12 × 8 0.15
Dental arches 110 7.44 66.98 1006.42 14.85 63.80 36 8 8 8 × 8 0.15
MSCT Head 120 23.24 553.00 150 22 24 × 22 H40s medium 0.34 4.80
Cervical spine 120 13.49 314.33 200 1 18 12 × 18 B40s medium 0.39 2.00 0.90
Ear 120 36.94 317.69 120 1 6 15 × 6 U90u ultra sharp 0.41 2.00 0.85
Dental arches 120 12.53 173.53 80 1 10 15 × 10 H60s sharp 0.39 0.60 0.90

AP, anteroposterior diameters; CC, craniocaudal diameters; CTDI, CT dose index; DAP, dose–area product; DLP, dose–length product; FOV, field of view; LL, laterolateral diameters.

Size of AP and LL was equal.

The protocols were optimized in such a way as to simulate the routine clinical practice. Since the acquisition was performed in a sequential manner, no rotation time and pitch value have been indicated for the MSCT head scan.


CTDIvol values are referenced to a 16-cm-diameter CTDI phantom.


The rotation time was the time for each 360° rotation. In CBCT, the rotation time corresponds to the full scan time.


The pixel size was measured in the axial plane.