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. 2018 Jun 5;13(6):e0197767. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0197767

Table 4. GAMM outputs from the best model describing the probability of an individual seal being hauled out in each hour of a trip.

Individual seal was modelled as a random effect with trip nested within it.

Parametric coefficients:
Estimate Std. Error z value Pr(>|z|)
(Intercept) -3.2205 0.143 -22.527 < 2.00E-16 ***
lag 1 5.0398 0.1567 32.156 < 2.00E-16 ***
lag 2 -0.184 0.1838 -1.001 0.316781
lag 3 -0.4871 0.136 -3.581 0.000342 ***
Approximate significance of smooth terms:
edf Ref.df Chi.sq p-value
hour:Jan 5.68E+00 9 103.189 < 2.00E-16 ***
hour:Feb 5.47E+00 9 178.766 < 2.00E-16 ***
hour:Mar 4.91E+00 9 50.514 3.78E-11 ***
hour:Apr 3.63E+00 9 31.196 1.66E-07 ***
hour:May 2.65E-08 9 0 0.32637
hour:Jun 2.52E-01 9 0.223 0.415131
hour:Jul 1.61E-02 9 0.007 0.6912
hour:Aug 3.31E-04 9 0 0.559409
hour:Sep 2.99E+00 9 11.036 0.005732 **
hour:Oct 4.53E+00 9 96.668 < 2.00E-16 ***
hour:Nov 4.57E+00 9 150.562 < 2.00E-16 ***
hour:Dec 2.87E+00 9 21.7 1.06E-05 ***
Latitude:week 2.00E+00 2.001 33.546 5.21E-08 ***
Distance:B4943 2.22E+00 2.223 17.8 0.000125 ***
Distance:Y5282 4.16E+00 4.162 34.703 7.03E-07 ***
Distance:G5719 1.00E+00 1 0.536 0.464292
Distance:W7604 1.68E+00 1.677 2.377 0.346307
Week:B4943 7.02E+00 9 42.824 5.43E-08 ***
Week:Y5282 7.38E+00 9 40.977 1.29E-07 ***
Week:G5719 4.18E+00 7 53.303 7.66E-12 ***
Week:W7604 8.74E-01 9 1.897 0.087296 .

The level of statistical significance is indicated by the codes:

‘***’ < 0.001;

‘**’ < 0.01;

‘.’< 0.1;

‘ ‘ < 1