Figure 5. Interactions recruiting two dyneins to the TDR complex.
a, Dynein HC (blue/pink) interactions with dynactin subunits (green). Contact residues on dynactin shown as yellow spheres. For each HC, helix α6 is highlighted (dark blue/dark red). b, Dynein-A2 makes extensive interactions with dynein-B1. Interaction sites shown as yellow and red spheres. c, Interactions of dynein-A (top) and dynein-B1 (bottom) with BICDR1. Interaction sites marked in dark blue and red. Extra density, from dynein-A2 LIC, mediates the connection between dynein-B1 and BICDR1. d, Negative-stain EM reconstructions of DDB containing two dyneins (top) or only dynein-A (bottom), sliced to highlight BICD2. Arrows depict alternative positions of BICD2 at dynactin’s barbed end.