Figure 2. Activation of de novo serine biosynthesis supports growth of LKB1-deficient cells.
a, Serine biosynthesis pathway. Red: upregulated in KL cells. b, Serine pathway gene expression (n=8/genotype). c, Isotopomer abundance of 15N-glutamine-derived M+1 serine and glycine (n=3, biological replicates). d, e, Three-day growth of ductal cells (d) cultured +/− 0.4 mM serine (n=20) or (e) transduced with the indicated shRNAs (n=6). f, Six-day proliferation of KL cells transduced with the indicated shRNAs and expression constructs (n=3). g, Subcutaneous tumour growth of KL cells transduced with the indicated shRNAs (n=12 tumours/group). h, Proportion of CK19+ tumors cells that are PCNA+ (shControl n=4, shPSAT1-1 n=4, shPSAT1-2 n=3, representative tumours). Data pooled from four (b) or representative of two (e, f) or four (d) experiments. Error bars: s.d. (b–f), s.e.m. (g, h). *P<0.05, **P<0.01, ***P<0.001.