Supplementary Fig. S2.
Additional analyses on the relationship of lesions and behavioural data. Factors scores from an oblique (promax rotation) principal component analysis (PCA) solution when (A) all variables are entered simultaneously into one General Linear Model, or when (B) a separate model is created for each component; and factor scores from varimax PCA when key behavioural tests (max loadings) are used (C) in a combined or (D) in a separate model. Colour-coding (A) & (B): factor 1 (phonological ability) in red, factor 2 (semantic ability) in blue (sub-threshold), factor 3 (auditory working memory) in green, and in yellow factor 1 & 3 overlap (same colour-coding as Fig. 2D). Colour-coding (C) & (D): immediate word repetition in red, spoken word-to-picture matching in blue, and forward digit span in green. Results were generally thresholded at voxel height p < 0.005, cluster-corrected FWE p < 0.05; only the sub-threshold clusters were thresholded at voxel height p < 0.005, voxel extent k > 100.