Light-Independent Tuning of SC Neurons
(A) Line plots showing burst-triggered averages of head displacements for neurons decoding yaw (left), pitch (middle), or roll (right) in light trials (top) and dark trials (bottom). Note the similarity of tuning between light and dark trials.
(B) Comparisons of the mean displacement angles in light and dark trials. Note that not all neurons maintain tuning in dark conditions.
(C) Bar (mean ± SEM) and scatterplots depicting the absolute displacement angle of neurons in light trials (light shaded bars) and dark trials (darker shaded bars). For clarity, only neurons that maintained the same direction of tuning in light and dark trials are shown in (C).
(D) Gaussian curves were fit to the sampling frequencies of head displacement events for dark trials (darker shades) as well as light trials (lighter shades, also shown in Figures 2D and 2E) for each of the three Eulerian axes. There was no effect of condition (light versus dark) on the mean of the fit Gaussian curves.
(E) There was an effect of condition on the SD of the fit Gaussian curve, as well as an interaction between Eulerian component and condition, shown by an increased range of sampling in the yaw and roll axes in dark conditions.
(F and G) The results of regression analyses for conjunctive movements in light (lighter shades) and dark (darker shades) for each pair of conjunctive movements. There was no effect of condition on either the associated R2 values (F) or regression coefficient (G) for any of the conjunctive pairings.
In (D)–(G), motion sampling in darkness depicted as mean ± SEM.