Figure 1.
Evaluation of the EAMG rat model. Before immunization, the weight of the normal group rats remained stable, and the rats exhibited sustained growth. The model group rats grew slowly during the week of the first immunization, and their weights tended to be stable and thus did not increase after the second booster immunization (a). Before QJJL treatment, 8 rats in the model group died due to severe myasthenia gravis (MG) symptoms, and 54 rats remained alive. During the second week after the first immunization, some of the rats in the model group began to display symptoms of MG and were found to have Lennon scores up to 0.5. With the passage of time, the MG symptoms displayed by the rats in the model group gradually worsened. At 1 week after the last immunization, virtually all of the model group rats had a Lennon score of 0.5 or greater. Specifically, 94.44% of the rats had a score of 0.5 or higher, and 75.93% of the rats had a score of 1.0 or higher. The rats in the blank control group had a score of 0 (b). The degree of electrical attenuation was detected by repetitive nerve stimulation (RNS) in both the normal and model groups at one week after the third immunization. The percentage change between the first and fifth action potentials was the attenuation value D, and a percentage change > 10% was considered positive (c,d).