Figure 10.
Experimental results of relay synchronization in a triplex network with non-identical layers, as a function of the intra-layer (σe) and inter-layer (λe) couplings. (Top) Colormap of the inter-layer synchronization errors between the outer layers E−1,1 (left) and between one outer layer and the relay layer E0,1 (right) in the σe − λe parameter space. The white contour line in each panel indicates the isoline for E−1,1 and E0,1 respectively equal to 0.12, error value taken as a reference. (Bottom) Inter-layer E−1,1, E0,1 synchronization errors as a function of (left) λe for fixed σe = 0.5 (vertical continuous lines in the above panels) and (right) σe for fixed λe = 0.5 (horizontal dashed lines).