A–F: Whole mount in-situ hybridization with probes to Wnt9b renewal target gene, Cited1 (A–C) or Wnt9b differentiation target gene, C1qdc2 (D–F) was performed on E11.5 wildtype kidneys (A,D), wildtype MMs (B,E) or Six2-Cre;CAG-Wnt9b MM (C, F) after 48 hours of culture. G–L: IF staining on sections of E15.5 wildtype (G,J), Wnt9b−/− (H,K) and Six2-CreERT2;CAG-Wnt9b;Rosa-YFP;Wnt9b−/− (I,L) kidneys. Antibodies are to GFP (green), pan-cytokeratin (white) and renewal target gene Cited1 (red in J–L) or differentiation target gene Pax8 (red in G–I). All sections are counterstained with DAPI. Scale bars are 200uM for A–F and 50uM for G–L.