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. 2018 Jun 5;17:134. doi: 10.1186/s12944-018-0778-5

Table 7.

Multinomial logistic regression showing significant predictors of each BMI class using odds ratio and corresponding 95% confidence intervala

Variable Odds Ratio (Exp (B)) P-value 95% CI
Lower Upper bound
Cholesterol 1.419 .001 1.153 1.746
Single/unmarried 1.367 .000 1.236 1.570
Job status (civilian worker) 1.607 .049 1.002 2.577
Class I obese
Age 1.045 .020 1.007 1.084
Cholesterol 1.606 .000 1.269 2.034
Single/unmarried 1.542 .021 1.323 1.911
Job status (civilian worker) 1.303 .035 1.100 1.919
Class II/III obese
Age 1.050 .015 1.010 1.093
Cholesterol 1.575 .001 1.207 2.056
Job status (civilian worker) 2.018 .042 1.025 3.976

aThe reference category is the non-obese (< 25 kg/m2)