Fig. 1.
Distribution of sRes gene expression according to distinct models (Table 1) within immune landscapes as defined by ICR gene expression. Four immune landscapes were identified ranked according to the level of expression of ICR genes with purple, green, blue and red representing respectively ICR 1, 2, 3 and 4. Because of similarities in patterns of gene expression, for the purpose of discussion the landscapes will be referred to as immune-silent (ICR1–2) or Immune-active (ICR3–4). Genes were assigned to distinct landscapes according to significant difference in expression between ICR4 and ICR1 (p-value < 0.05 and false discovery rate < 0.1). Genes signatures associated with a particular immune responsiveness model as per Table 1 were assigned to distinct landscapes according to gene enrichment analysis and ubiquitous were considered signatures that did not reach significance (one-tailed Fisher Test p-value < 0.01). *Cluster of ubiquitous genes that segregate with the immune active signatures but did not reach significance and, therefore, were considered ubiquitous