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. 2018 Apr 5;4(4):e000172. doi: 10.1099/mgen.0.000172

Table 1. Features of the strains of Sphingomonadales and their genomes used in this study.

Serial no. Species (strain) Chromosome size (bp) [genome status] G+C (mol%) GenBank/RefSeq accession no. crt ORFs identified Group based on crt genotype Colour of the strain Carotenoids produced Reference (for colour and/or carotenoid)*
1 Sphingopyxis alaskensis (RB2256T) 3345170 [complete] 65.50 CP000356 E, B, I, Y, Z, G I Yellow to beige NostoxanthinP,
2 Sphingopyxis macrogoltabida (EY-1) 4757879 [complete] 64.90 CP012700 E, B, I, Y, Z, G I Unknown Unknown None
3 Sphingopyxis fribergensis (Kp5.2T) 4993584 [complete] 63.90 CP009122 E, B, I, Y, Z, G I Yellow NostoxanthinP,
4 Sphingomonas sanxanigenens (DSM 19645T) 6205897PGC[complete] 66.80 CP006644 E, B, I, Y, Z, G I Colourless/white Phytoene/noneP [64]
5 Sphingorhabdus sp. (M41) 3339521 [complete] 56.70 CP014545 E, B, I, Y, Z, G I Colourless/white Phytoene/noneP Personal communication1
6 Sphingopyxis sp. (113P3) 4420776 [complete] 64.00 CP009452 E, B, I, Y, Z, G I Yellowish brown NostoxanthinP,
7 Sphingopyxis terrae (NBRC 15098T) 3979087 [complete] 64.60 CP013342 E, B, I, Y, Z, G I Light or deep-yellow NostoxanthinP,
8 Sphingobium sp. (SYK-6) 4199332 [complete] 65.60 NC_015976 E, B, I, Y, Z, G I Yellow NostoxanthinP,
Personal communication2
9 Sphingomonas hengshuiensis (WHSC-8T) 5191536PGC [complete] 66.70 CP010836 E, B, I, Y, Z, G I Yellow NostoxanthinP,
10 Sphingomonas sp. (Root241) 4212322 [draft] 66.00 NZ_LMIV00000000 E, B, I, Y, Z, G I Unknown Unknown None
11 Sphingomonas sp. (ATCC 31555) 4046117 [draft] 65.90 NZ_ALBQ00000000 E, B, I, Y, Z, G, W II Red Canthaxanthin and othersP [81]
12 Sphingomonas paucimobilis (NBRC 13935T) 4327402 [draft] 65.70 NZ_BBJS00000000 E, B, I, Y, Z, G I Yellow NostoxanthinC,
13 Sphingomonas astaxanthinifaciens (DSM 22298T) 2533034PGC [draft] 68.40 NZ_JONN00000000 E, B, I, Y, Z, W, X III Red Astaxanthin and its derivativesC [58]
14 Sphingobium chlorophenolicum (L-1) 3080818 [chromosome 1, complete] 63.90 CP002798 E, B, I, Y, Z, G I Yellow NostoxanthinP,
15 Sphingobium sp. (MI1205) 3351250 [chromosome 1, complete] 62.30 CP005188 E, B, I, Y, Z, G I Brownish–yellow NostoxanthinP,
16 Sphingobium sp. (EP60837) 2669660 [chromosome 1, complete] 62.40 CP015986 E, B, I, Y, Z, G I Colourless/white Phytoene/noneP Personal communication3
17 Sphingobium sp. (YBL2) 4766421 [complete] 64.80 CP010954 E, B, I, Y, Z, G I Yellow NostoxanthinP,
18 Novosphingobium aromaticivorans (DSM 12444T) 3561584 [complete] 65.20 CP000248 E, B, I, Y, Z, G I Yellow NostoxanthinP,
19 Citromicrobium sp. (JL477) 3258499PGC [complete] 65.00 CP011344 E, B, I, Y, Z, G I Yellow NostoxanthinP,
Personal communication4
20 Altererythrobacter dongtanensis (KCTC 22672T) 3009495 [complete] 65.80 CP016591 E, B, I, Y, Z, G I Yellow NostoxanthinP,
21 Altererythrobacter namhicola (JCM 16345T) 2591679 [complete] 65.00 CP016545 E, B, I, Y, Z, G, W II Orange Canthaxanthin and othersP [88]
22 Altererythrobacter epoxidivorans (CGMCC 1.7731T) 2786256 [complete] 61.50 CP012669 E, B, I, Y, Z, G I Yellow NostoxanthinP,
23 Altererythrobacter atlanticus (26DY36T) 3386291 [complete] 61.90 CP011452 E, B, I, Y, Z, G I Yellow NostoxanthinP,
24 Altererythrobacter ishigakiensis (NBRC 107699T) 2673978 PGC[complete] 56.90 CP015963 E, B, I, Y, Z, G, W II Orange–red Canthaxanthin and othersC [63]
25 Erythrobacter litoralis (HTCC2594) 3052398 [complete] 63.10 CP000157 E, B, I, Y, Z, G, W II Pink Unknown [91]
26 Erythrobacter atlanticus (s21-N3T) 3012400 [complete] 58.20 CP011310 E, B, I, Y, Z, G I Yellow–brown NostoxanthinP,
27 Sphingobium yanoikuyae (ATCC 51230T) 5500358 [draft)] 64.40 NZ_AGZU00000000 E, B, I, Y, Z, G I Creamy white Phytoene/noneP [82]
28 Novosphingobium sp. (PP1Y) 3911486 [complete] 63.70 FR856862 E, B, I, Y, Z, G I Yellow NostoxanthinP,
29 Novosphingobium pentaromativorans (US6-1T) 3979506 [complete] 63.50 CP009291 E, B, I, Y, Z, G I Yellow NostoxanthinP,
30 Porphyrobacter neustonensis (DSM 9434T) 3090363PGC[complete] 65.30 CP016033 E, B, I, Y, Z, G, W II Orange Canthaxanthin and othersP [10]
31 Sphingomonas sp. (NIC1) 3408545 [complete] 67.40 CP015521 E, B, I, Y, Z, G I Unknown Unknown None
32 Sphingomonas melonis (TY) 4100783 [draft] 67.10 NZ_LQCK00000000 E, B, I, Y, Z, G I Yellow NostoxanthinP,
33 Altererythrobacter marensis (KCTC 22370T) 2885033 [complete] 64.70 CP011805 E, B, I, Y, Z, G I Yellow NostoxanthinP,
34 Croceicoccus naphthovorans (PQ-2T) 3543806 [complete] 62.60 CP011770 E, B, I, Y, Z, G I Yellow NostoxanthinP,
35 Sphingomonas taxi (ATCC 55669) 3859099 [complete] 68.00 CP009571 E, B, I, Y, Z, G, W II Yellow to orange Canthaxanthin and othersP [98]
36 Sphingomonas sp. (RIT328) 4343511 [draft] 68.30 NZ_JFYV00000000 E, B, I, Y, Z, G, W II Unknown Unknown None
37 Sphingobium japonicum (UT26S) 3514822 [chromosome 1, complete] 64.80 NC_014006 E, B, I, Y, Z, G I Yellow NostoxanthinP,
38 Sphingomonas sp. (MM-1) 4054833 [complete] 67.20 CP004036 E, I, Y IV Colourless/white None Personal communication5
39 Sphingobium baderi (DE-13) 4107398 [complete] 62.40 CP013264 E, I IV Colourless/white None [100]
40 Sphingomonas wittichii (RW1T) 5382261 [complete] 68.40 CP000699 E, Y IV Greyish-white (faintly yellow) None [101]
41 Sphingopyxis granuli (TFA) 4679853 [complete] 66.20 CP012199 E IV Yellowish None [102]

C, Confirmed in one or more studies published previously; P, presumptive based on the colour of the strain reported and the crt ORFs identified; PGC, genome contains a putative photosynthesis gene cluster – production of spirilloxanthin (using CrtC, CrtD and CrtF) and Bchl a from this cluster can potentially affect the colour of the host strains; T, type strain.

1, Dr Che Ok Jeon, Chung-Ang University, Republic of Korea; 2, Dr Eiji Masai, Nagaoka University of Technology, Japan; 3, Dr Byung-Yong Kim, ChunLab, Inc., Republic of Korea; 4, Dr Qiang Zheng, Xiamen University, People's Republic of China; 5, Dr Yuji Nagata, Tohoku University, Japan.