β-Catenin and TCF Modulations after CHIR Induction
(A) Whole-cell protein blot expressions and quantitative analyses of HES3 cells cultured at <50%, 50%–70%, 70%–90%, and >90% cell culture confluency after CHIR induction.
(B) Fluorescence microscopy of immuno-cytochemistry-stained HES3 cells against active β-catenin (green) and DAPI (blue) after CHIR induction.
(C) Nuclear fraction protein blot expressions and quantitative analyses of HES3 EBs after CHIR induction. Note sample CHIR 0 μM degraded after 24 hr.
(D) Whole-cell protein blot expressions and quantitative analyses of HES3 EBs after CHIR induction.
(E) Normalized TCF7L1/2 protein expression folds of hPSCs cultured at 90% cell confluency with increased G1 cell-cycle phase compared with 70% cell confluency, with an increased S/G2/M and average TCF7L1/2 protein expressions of hPSCs after G1/S cell-cycle arrest (n = 3, ∗p ≤ 0.05).