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. 2018 Jun;127:41–50. doi: 10.1016/j.apsoil.2018.03.003

Table 3.

Nodulation and shoot dry weight of inoculated groundnut and reference plants grown in 15N labelled soil.

Isolate/strain/reference plant Nodule number Nodule dry weight
Shoot dry weight
kg ha−1
KNUST 1001 341.0 e 146.6 a 2672.5 c
KNUST 1002 411.5 d 147.5 a 2867.5 b
KNUST 1003 564.8 a 132.9 a 2745.0 c
KNUST 1004 337.5 e 146.5 a 2556.3 d
KNUST 1005 456.3 c 114.8 b 2331.3 e
KNUST 1006 495.8 c 120.4 b 2687.5 c
KNUST 1007 488.3c 120.1 b 2596.3 d
NON-INOCULATED 416.0 d 87.0 c 1677.5 g
BR 10254 523.0 b 147.8 a 2340.0 e
BR 3267 499.5 c 126.4 b 2565.0 d
32H1 498.3 c 151.3 a 3146.3 a
SEMIA 6144 476.3 c 137.1 a 2193.8 f
NN common bean 466.3 i
NN Soybean 712.5 h
Sorghum 300.0 j
CV (%) 5.9 8.6 2.9

Means in the same column followed by the same letter are not significantly different at P < 0.05 (Scott Knott Test). NN: non-nodulating.