Figure 1. The histology of the H&E stained liver at different locations relative to the treatment zone and at different times after treatment.
The columns from left are: macroscopic cross section; untreated region; the interface between the untreated (left side) and treated (right side) regions; core of the treated region at (×20); core of the treated region (×40). The rows are, from top to bottom: 1h, 3h, 6h, and 24h after treatment. Scale bar given in the figures. Thin arrow, triangle arrow, arrowhead, arrow with flat tail, point to hepatocytes, endothelial cells, Kupffer cell and vacuolated hepatocyte without nuclei structure, respectively. Arrows marked with S point to wide sinusoids. Arrow marked with C&H point to areas of congestion and hemorrhagic change. Arrow marked with B point to bi-nucleate hepatocytes. CV means central vein. BD means bile duct.