Figure 4. ELISPOT analysis of non-transgenic CD4-d and CD4-i T cells.
After BALB/c → B6 skin transplantation, CD4+ T cells were purified from recipient axillary LN. CD4-d and CD4-i T cells were then identified by IL-2 and IFNγ ELISPOT assays by their response to direct or indirect alloantigen presentation. No TCR-tg T cells were utilized in these experiments. A) Naive B6 mouse (no transplant), IL-2; B) day (D) 10 after skin transplant, IL-2; C) D10 after skin transplant, IFNγ; D) D60 after skin transplant, IFNγ. Data are representative of two independent experiments with 2-3 mice per data point. E, F) IFNγ ELISPOT of draining lymph node CD4+ T cells 10 days after skin transplant with 3rd party controls.