(a) Competition between two intact males. Stacked bar graphs represent the copulation frequencies of two intact AL and Z6 males (black and grey bars, respectively) competing for a single AL or Z6 female for 60 mins under white (W) or red light (R). The frequencies of non-copulating pairs and of mating Z6 and AL males were compared using a Wilks G2 likelihood ratio test completed with a computation of significance by cell (+ and − symbols indicate a significantly increased or decreased number of matings compared to the null hypothesis of no interaction between female type and light condition on mating success. (b) Interaction between one intact male and one genitalia-impaired male. We measured the performance of one intact male (AL or Z6) in the presence of one AL or Z6 male with glued genitalia and therefore unable to copulate. Copulation frequencies, represented by bars, were analysed using a chi-square test with a computation of significance by cell. Similar letters above bars indicate no significant difference. For statistics, Figure 5a. (c) Interaction between one intact AL male and one wing-manipulated Z6 male. Stacked bar graphs represent the copulation frequencies of an intact AL male competing with a Z6 wing-manipulated male for a single Z6 female. Wing ablations are explained beneath each graph. From left to right: control flies were CO2 anaesthetized; bilateral = total ablation of the both wings at the wing articulation; unilateral = total ablation of one wing—alternately right or left; distal part = ablation of the distal wing portion beyond the posterior crossvein; anterior margin = bilateral ablation of the costal wing margins from longitudinal vein L4 to radial vein R1; posterior margin = bilateral ablation of the wing posterior margins from longitudinal vein L4 to anal vein A2. For statistics, figure 2.