Cholinergic suppression of recurrent activity is mediated by both nAChRs and mAChRs. A, Voltage-clamp recordings from a representative layer 2/3 cell showing that bath application of the mAChR antagonist atropine (10 μm) largely blocks cholinergic suppression of recurrent activity (blue, normalized EPSCs in paired control trials; red, normalized average EPSCs in paired trials following atropine application; gray, EPSCs in unpaired trials). B, Magnitude of recurrent activity for the same cell across unpaired (black) and paired (blue) trials during atropine application. C, Summary data of recurrent activity (normalized to activity in unpaired trials over the same time period) before and after bath application of nAChR antagonists (500 nm DHβE + 5 nm MLA, n = 10 cells), atropine (10 μm Atr, n = 10 cells), or both (n = 8 cells). **p < 0.01. Shaded areas and error bars denote SEM.