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. 2017 May 26;2(6):119–140. doi: 10.1016/j.vgie.2017.02.007

Table 6.

Survey results using the Delphi method to examine potential endoscopy unit quality indicators for the Safety and Infection Control domain

Safety 1st round voting (n = 29), median (%), 1 = strongly disagree, 5 = strongly agree
2nd round voting (n = 18), median (%)
Related to quality Meaningful to measure (%) Feasible to measure (%) Compliance in own endoscopy unit (%) Related to quality (%)
Nurses and physicians are credentialed with endoscopy unit policy relative to moderate sedation. 5 5 (82.1) 5 (85.7) 5 (85.7) 5 (92.3)
Endoscopy unit has a written environmental disinfection policy. 5 5 (81.5) 5 (85.2) 5 (76.9) 5 (92.3)
Endoscopy unit has a system for reviewing adverse events and implementing strategies to prevent or reduce them. 5 5 (92.3) 5 (77.8) 5 (71.4) 5 (83.3)
Presence of all sedation reversal agents is verified each day the facility is in operation. 5 5 (64.3) 5 (75.0) 5 (75.0) 5 (83.3)
Endoscopy unit has a system for monitoring that all medical equipment, including rescue devices, are in proper working condition, and this is verified each day the facility is in operation. 5 5 (75.0) 5 (85.7) 5 (66.7) 5 (83.3)
Resuscitation equipment, availability, and functional status are verified each day the facility is in operation. 5 5 (82.1) 5 (92.9) 5 (82.1) 5 (82.4)
Endoscopy unit has written policies detailing safety procedures in the facility. 5 5 (57.1) 5 (75.0) 5 (67.9) 5 (72.2)
Endoscopy unit has a system for recording and tracking endoscopy-related adverse events. 5 5 (89.3) 5 (67.9) 5 (71.4) 5 (72.2)
Endoscopy unit has a process in place to identify patients at risk for falls. 5 5 (53.6) 5 (57.1) 5 (57.1) 5 (72.2)
Rate of unplanned admissions, emergency department visits, and observation stays within 7 days after receiving a colonoscopy. 5 5 (69.2) 4 (48.2) 2 (22.2) 5 (66.7)
Use of reversal agents for sedation is documented and tracked on a regular basis. 5 5 (64.3) 5 (81.5) 5 (64.3) 5 (61.1)
Rates of modification, interruption, or termination of scheduled procedures because of sedation-related events. 5 5 (60.7) 5 (64.3) 4.5 (50.0) 5 (61.1)
Number of adverse events that occur within 14 days of an endoscopic procedure including in-hospital deaths and nonelective hospital admissions is recorded. 5 5 (64.3) 5 (51.9) 4 (14.3) 5 (33.3)
Mechanism in place to contact patients 14 to 30 days after their procedure to identify delayed adverse events. 5 4 (25.0) 4 (17.9) 2 (14.3) 4 (27.8)
Infection control Related to quality Meaningful to measure (%) Feasible to measure (%) Compliance in own endoscopy unit (%) Related to quality (%)
Process is in place to track each specific endoscope from storage, use, reprocessing, and back to storage. 5 5 (82.1) 5 (78.6) 5 (85.7) 5 (94.4)
Endoscopy unit has instructions immediately available for high-level disinfection that are specific to the endoscope models being used. 5 5 (85.7) 5 (89.3) 5 (81.5) 5 (94.4)
Endoscopy unit has policies and procedures in place to ensure that reusable medical devices are cleaned and reprocessed in accordance with manufacturer’s instructions appropriately before use in another patient. 5 5 (88.9) 5 (85.2) 5 (78.6) 5 (94.4)
Endoscopy unit has policies and procedures in place to identify damaged equipment and remove that equipment from service. 5 5 (75.0) 5 (75.0) 5 (66.7) 5 (94.4)
Process is in place to maintain a log on the successful completion of each key step in reprocessing, including sufficient patient demographic information and endoscope identification for appropriate postprocedure event. 5 5 (85.2) 5 (84.6) 5 (84.6) 5 (88.9)
Endoscopy unit has a specific policy discussing the proper use of single-dose medication vials. 5 5 (75.0) 5 (85.7) 5 (71.4) 5 (88.9)
Endoscopy unit has policies and procedures that adhere to current ASGE and SGNA guidelines concerning safety and infection control in endoscopy. 5 5 (82.1) 5 (85.7) 5 (70.4) 5 (88.9)
Endoscopy unit has policies and procedures in place to ensure the proper use of devices marked single use only. 5 5 (78.6) 5 (82.1) 5 (82.1) 5 (88.9)
Policy to avoid the use of multidose vials when possible and document their appropriate use when they are used. 5 5 (77.8) 5 (77.8) 5 (74.1) 5 (88.9)
Handwashing facilities and alcohol-based hand gel are available to patients, visitors, and staff. 5 5 (78.6) 5 (78.6) 5 (85.2) 5 (88.9)
Core competencies for personnel involved in reprocessing endoscopes are verified initially and at least annually or when there is an adverse event or change in endoscopes or reprocessing equipment. 5 5 (85.2) 5 (96.2) 5 (84.6) 5 (88.2)
Endoscopy unit monitors and records adherence to hand hygiene guidelines and provides feedback to personnel. 5 5 (67.9) 5 (60.7) 5 (64.3) 5 (77.8)
Process is in place to document the successful completion of training in safe injection practices, and then verification of compliance of all personnel regarding safe injection practices on a semiannual basis. 4 4 (21.4) 4 (32.1) 3.5 (17.9) 4 (22.2)

Indicators that are shaded white had consensus reached on them (ie, median of “5” on the second round of voting for the relatedness parameter with ≥80% of respondents rating it a “5”) and were the 6 highest-rated indicators for this domain.

Note: Patients and payers did not participate in the voting process. Both groups were initially invited but opted not to participate.

ASGE, American Society for Gastrointestinal Endoscopy; SGNA, Society of Gastroenterology Nurses and Associates.

Mandated by national regulatory or accreditation standards.