Table 2.
Summary of studies investigating chronic forced physical activity in transgenic mouse models of Alzheimer's disease.
Model (Strain and Gender) | Physical Activity Type |
Intensity and Duration | Frequency | Major AD Outcomes | Reference |
NSE/APPsw Male or Female not specified |
Treadmill running | 13.2 m/min, 0% grade 1 h/day |
5 days/week 16 weeks Beginning at 13 months of age |
↑MWM ↓ Aβ42 deposition ↑BDNF and GLUT-1 ↑HSP70 ↑SOD and catalase ↓pro-apoptotic proteins |
Um et al., 2008 |
NSE/APPsw Male or Female not specified |
Treadmill running | 13.2 m/min, 0% grade 1 h/day |
5 days/week 16 weeks Beginning at 13 months of age |
↑MWM ↓ Aβ42 deposition ↑BDNF and GLUT-1 ↓pro-apoptotic proteins ↑HSP70 ↑SOD and catalase ↓Brain Total cholesterol, glucose, and insulin |
Cho et al., 2010 |
NSE/hPS2m Male or Female not specified |
Treadmill running | 12 m/min, 0% grade 1 h/day 5 days/week |
5 days/week 3 months Beginning at 24 months of age |
↑MWM ↓ Aβ42 deposition ↓tau phosporylation ↑BDNF, NGF, CREB ↑HSP70 ↑MAPK signaling ↓neuronal apoptosis |
Um et al., 2011 |
NSE/hPS2m Male or Female not specified |
Treadmill running | 12 m/min, 0% grade 1 h/day |
5 days/week 12 weeks Beginning at 24 months of age |
↑MWM ↓Aβ42 deposition ↓BACE-1 activity (β-secretase) ↓ER stress |
Kang et al., 2013 |
3xTg-AD Male and Female |
Treadmill running | 4.2 m/min, 0% grade 30 min/day |
5 days/week 5 weeks beginning at 6 months of age |
Corner test (ns) Dark-Light box test (ns) MWM (ns) T-Maze (ns) ∼ Aβ40; Aβ42 (ns in females, improved ratio in males) Tau (ns) |
Giménez-Llort et al., 2010 |
APP/PS1 Male or Female not specified |
Treadmill running No electric shock motivation |
5-11 m/min, 0% grade 30 min/day |
5 days/week 5 months from 3 to 8 months of age |
↑MWM ↑synaptic plasticity, LTP ↓BDNF mRNA |
Liu et al., 2011 |
APP/PS1 Female |
Treadmill running No electric shock motivation |
5-11 m/min, 0% grade 30 min/day |
5 days/week 5 months from 3 to 8 months of age |
↓amyloid plaque ↓soluble Aβ40 APP (ns) ↓sAPPβ, sAPPα (ns) ↓CTFα and CTFβ ↓hyperphosphorylated tau |
Liu et al., 2013 |
APPswe/PS1dE9 Male |
Treadmill running Gentle tail touching motivation no electric shock |
Gradual distance increase 70–300 m/day with gradual speed increase from 5 to 8 to 10–15 m/min | 6 days/week 5 months beginning at 4 months of age |
↑MWM Amyloid plaque (ns) ↓microglial activation |
Xiong et al., 2015 |
APP/PS1 | Treadmill running No electric shock motivation |
5-11 m/min, 0% grade 30 min/day |
5 days/week 5 months 2 groups; one beginning at 3 months of age the other beginning at 12 months of age |
Young group: ↑MWM ↓amyloid plaque ↓guanidine extracted soluble Aβ40 and Aβ42 ↑LTP Old group: ↑MWM Amyloid plaque in old mice (ns) ↓guanidine extracted soluble Aβ40 and Aβ42 ↑LTP |
Zhao et al., 2015 |
APP/PS1 Male |
Treadmill running Gentle tail touching motivation no electric shock |
Week 1: 5 m/min, 0% grade 10 min/day Week 2: 10 m/min, 0% grade Time increased by 10 min each day Week 3–5: 10 m/min, 0% grade 60 min/day |
5 days/week 5 weeks 2 groups; one beginning at 7 months of age the other at 24 months of age |
Adult group: Passive avoidance (ns) ↓ anxiety MWM (ns) ↓guanidine extracted soluble Aβ40 and Aβ42 Few amyloid plaques detected in SED or EX BDNF (ns) Aged group: Passive avoidance (ns) Anxiety (ns) ↑MWM soluble Aβ40 and Aβ42 not assessed ↓ amyloid plaque |
Ke et al., 2011 |
APP/PS1 Male |
Treadmill running | 11 m/min 30 min/day 0% grade |
5 days/week 20 weeks; from 3 months of age to 8 months of age |
↑ Y maze ↑ Passive Avoidance ↑ Mitochondrial function and antioxidant enzymes ↓ Mitochondrial ROS ↓ Aβ42 |
Bo et al., 2014 |
APP/PS1 Male |
Treadmill running | 10 m/min 20 min/day 0% grade |
5 days/week 4 months; from 6 months of age to 10 months of age |
↑ MWM ↑ White matter capillary length and volume White matter capillary surface area (ns) |
Zhang et al., 2017 |
3xTg-AD Male or Female not specified |
Treadmill running Gentle tail touching motivation no electric shock |
10 m/min 20 min/day 0% grade |
5 days/week 12 weeks 2 groups; one beginning at 4 months of age the other beginning at 24 months of age |
Young group: ↑MWM Aβ40 and Aβ42 (ns) Amyloid plaque (ns) APP (ns) Presenilin 1 (ns) CFTβ (ns) ADAM10&17 (ns) BACE1 (ns) IDE (ns) Neprilysin (ns) ↓phosporylated tau ↑PSD-95 and synaptophysin BDNF and NGF (ns) Old group: ↑MWM ↓ Aβ40 and Aβ42 ↓Amyloid plaque ↓APP ↓Presenilin 1 ↓BASE1 ↓ CFTβ ADAM10&17 (ns) BACE1 (ns) IDE (ns) Neprilysin (ns) ↓phosporylated tau ↑PSD-95 and synaptophysin ↑BDNF NGF (ns) |
Cho et al., 2015 |
APPswe/PS1dE9 Male and Female |
Treadmill running | Acclimation at 10 m/min 20–60 min/day first 4 weeks gradually increasing to 12 m/min 1hr/day 0% grade |
5 days/week for 9 weeks beginning at 6 weeks of age | ↑Conditioned fear memory ↑dendritic complexity ↑BDNF signaling pathways ↑LRP1 ↓Aβ40 and Aβ42 |
Lin et al., 2015 |
NSE/htau23 Male or Female not specified |
Treadmill running | Acclimation at 9 m/min for 20 min/day Gradual increase from 12 m/min for 30 min/day to 14.4 m/min for 50 min/day 0% grade |
5 days/week for 12 weeks | ↑improved autophagy ↑GSK-3β ↓tau and phospho-tau ↑MWM |
Kang and Cho, 2015 |
Tg-NSE/hPS2m Male or Female not specified |
Treadmill running | 12 m/min 1 h/day 0% grade |
5 days/week for 3 months from 24 months of age | ↑MWM ↑anti-apoptotic factors ↑insulin signaling pathways ↓COX-2 ↑BDNF ↑HSP70 |
Koo et al., 2013 |
3xTg-AD Male |
Forced Wheel running | 8 m/min 1 h/day 0% grade |
2 groups: 1x/week or 3x/week for 12 weeks from 2.5 to 6 months of age |
Improvement in blood and brain inflammatory chemokines in the 3x/week group, but not the 1x/week group | Haskins et al., 2016 |
Tg2576 Male and Female |
Treadmill running | 10.9 m/min, 0% grade 1 h/day |
5 day/week 16 weeks From 5 to 9 months of age |
↓amyloid plaque Soluble Aβ (ns) NOR (ns) ↑hippocampal volume |
Yuede et al., 2009 |
Tg2576 Male |
Treadmill running | Low Intensity group: 15 m/min 0% grade Hi Intensity group: 32 m/min 10% grade 1 h/day |
5 days/week 3 months From 3 to 6 months of age |
↓soluble Aβ40 and Aβ42 HI > LOW > SED ↑numerous Aβ clearance proteins HI > LOW > SED |
Moore et al., 2016 |
Abbreviations: MWM = Morris Water Maze, APP = Amyloid Precursor Protein, BDNF = Brain Derived Neurotrophic Factor, HSP = Heat Shock Protein, CTF = C Terminal Fragment, SOD = Superoxide Dismutase, LTP = Long Term Potentiation, NGF = Nerve Growth Factor, ROS = reactive oxygen species.