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. 2018 Feb 22;8:158–171. doi: 10.1016/j.ynstr.2018.02.004

Table 2.

Summary of studies investigating chronic forced physical activity in transgenic mouse models of Alzheimer's disease.

Model (Strain and Gender) Physical Activity
Intensity and Duration Frequency Major AD Outcomes Reference
Male or Female not specified
Treadmill running 13.2 m/min, 0% grade
1 h/day
5 days/week
16 weeks
Beginning at 13 months of age
↓ Aβ42 deposition
↑BDNF and GLUT-1
↑SOD and catalase
↓pro-apoptotic proteins
Um et al., 2008
Male or Female not specified
Treadmill running 13.2 m/min, 0% grade
1 h/day
5 days/week 16 weeks
Beginning at 13 months of age
↓ Aβ42 deposition
↑BDNF and GLUT-1
↓pro-apoptotic proteins
↑SOD and catalase
↓Brain Total cholesterol, glucose, and insulin
Cho et al., 2010
Male or Female not specified
Treadmill running 12 m/min, 0% grade
1 h/day
5 days/week
5 days/week
3 months
Beginning at 24 months of age
↓ Aβ42 deposition
↓tau phosporylation
↑MAPK signaling
↓neuronal apoptosis
Um et al., 2011
Male or Female not specified
Treadmill running 12 m/min, 0% grade
1 h/day
5 days/week 12 weeks
Beginning at 24 months of age
↓Aβ42 deposition
↓BACE-1 activity (β-secretase)
↓ER stress
Kang et al., 2013
Male and Female
Treadmill running 4.2 m/min, 0% grade
30 min/day
5 days/week
5 weeks beginning at 6 months of age
Corner test (ns)
Dark-Light box test (ns)
MWM (ns)
T-Maze (ns)
∼ Aβ40; Aβ42 (ns in females, improved ratio in males)
Tau (ns)
Giménez-Llort et al., 2010
Male or Female not specified
Treadmill running
No electric shock motivation
5-11 m/min, 0% grade
30 min/day
5 days/week
5 months from 3 to 8 months of age
↑synaptic plasticity, LTP
Liu et al., 2011
Treadmill running
No electric shock motivation
5-11 m/min, 0% grade
30 min/day
5 days/week
5 months from 3 to 8 months of age
↓amyloid plaque
↓soluble Aβ40
APP (ns)
↓sAPPβ, sAPPα (ns)
↓CTFα and CTFβ
↓hyperphosphorylated tau
Liu et al., 2013
Treadmill running
Gentle tail touching motivation no electric shock
Gradual distance increase 70–300 m/day with gradual speed increase from 5 to 8 to 10–15 m/min 6 days/week
5 months beginning at 4 months of age
Amyloid plaque (ns)
↓microglial activation
Xiong et al., 2015
APP/PS1 Treadmill running
No electric shock motivation
5-11 m/min, 0% grade
30 min/day
5 days/week
5 months
2 groups; one beginning at 3 months of age the other beginning at 12 months of age
Young group:
↓amyloid plaque
↓guanidine extracted soluble Aβ40 and Aβ42
Old group:
Amyloid plaque in old mice (ns)
↓guanidine extracted soluble Aβ40 and Aβ42
Zhao et al., 2015
Treadmill running
Gentle tail touching motivation no electric shock
Week 1:
5 m/min, 0% grade
10 min/day
Week 2:
10 m/min, 0% grade
Time increased by 10 min each day
Week 3–5:
10 m/min, 0% grade
60 min/day
5 days/week
5 weeks
2 groups; one beginning at 7 months of age the other at 24 months of age
Adult group:
Passive avoidance (ns)
↓ anxiety
MWM (ns)
↓guanidine extracted soluble Aβ40 and Aβ42
Few amyloid plaques detected in SED or EX
BDNF (ns)
Aged group:
Passive avoidance (ns)
Anxiety (ns)
soluble Aβ40 and Aβ42 not assessed
↓ amyloid plaque
Ke et al., 2011
Treadmill running 11 m/min
30 min/day
0% grade
5 days/week
20 weeks; from 3 months of age to 8 months of age
↑ Y maze
↑ Passive Avoidance
↑ Mitochondrial function and antioxidant enzymes
↓ Mitochondrial ROS
↓ Aβ42
Bo et al., 2014
Treadmill running 10 m/min
20 min/day
0% grade
5 days/week
4 months; from 6 months of age to 10 months of age
↑ White matter capillary length and volume
White matter capillary surface area (ns)
Zhang et al., 2017
Male or Female not specified
Treadmill running
Gentle tail touching motivation no electric shock
10 m/min
20 min/day
0% grade
5 days/week 12 weeks
2 groups; one beginning at 4 months of age the other beginning at 24 months of age
Young group:
40 and Aβ42 (ns)
Amyloid plaque (ns)
APP (ns)
Presenilin 1 (ns)
CFTβ (ns)
ADAM10&17 (ns)
BACE1 (ns)
IDE (ns)
Neprilysin (ns)
↓phosporylated tau
↑PSD-95 and synaptophysin
BDNF and NGF (ns)
Old group:
↓ Aβ40 and Aβ42
↓Amyloid plaque
↓Presenilin 1
↓ CFTβ
ADAM10&17 (ns)
BACE1 (ns)
IDE (ns)
Neprilysin (ns)
↓phosporylated tau
↑PSD-95 and synaptophysin
NGF (ns)
Cho et al., 2015
Male and Female
Treadmill running Acclimation at 10 m/min 20–60 min/day first 4 weeks gradually increasing to 12 m/min 1hr/day
0% grade
5 days/week for 9 weeks beginning at 6 weeks of age ↑Conditioned fear memory
↑dendritic complexity
↑BDNF signaling pathways
↓Aβ40 and Aβ42
Lin et al., 2015
Male or Female not specified
Treadmill running Acclimation at 9 m/min for 20 min/day
Gradual increase from 12 m/min for 30 min/day to 14.4 m/min for 50 min/day
0% grade
5 days/week for 12 weeks ↑improved autophagy
↓tau and phospho-tau
Kang and Cho, 2015
Male or Female not specified
Treadmill running 12 m/min
1 h/day
0% grade
5 days/week for 3 months from 24 months of age ↑MWM
↑anti-apoptotic factors
↑insulin signaling pathways
Koo et al., 2013
Forced Wheel running 8 m/min
1 h/day
0% grade
2 groups:
1x/week or
for 12 weeks from 2.5 to 6 months of age
Improvement in blood and brain inflammatory chemokines in the 3x/week group, but not the 1x/week group Haskins et al., 2016
Male and Female
Treadmill running 10.9 m/min, 0% grade
1 h/day
5 day/week
16 weeks From 5 to 9 months of age
↓amyloid plaque
Soluble Aβ (ns)
NOR (ns)
↑hippocampal volume
Yuede et al., 2009
Treadmill running Low Intensity group: 15 m/min 0% grade
Hi Intensity group: 32 m/min 10% grade
1 h/day
5 days/week
3 months
From 3 to 6 months of age
↓soluble Aβ40 and Aβ42
↑numerous Aβ clearance proteins
Moore et al., 2016

Abbreviations: MWM = Morris Water Maze, APP = Amyloid Precursor Protein, BDNF = Brain Derived Neurotrophic Factor, HSP = Heat Shock Protein, CTF = C Terminal Fragment, SOD = Superoxide Dismutase, LTP = Long Term Potentiation, NGF = Nerve Growth Factor, ROS = reactive oxygen species.