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. 2018 Apr 24;8(6):e00980. doi: 10.1002/brb3.980

Table 1.

Correlation of cognitive and brain functions between cotwins and the estimates from the ACE model

Means (SD) Correlations (95% CIs) A, C, and E (%) etimates (95% CIs)
MZ (= 54) DZ (= 24) MZ DZ Best model X2 d.f. p A C E
Task performance 9.7 (3.1) 9.6 (4.1) 0.44 (0.07, 0.70) 0.73 (0.26, 0.92) CE 3.29 4 .51 56 (30, 75) 44 (25, 70)
FIQa 99.6 (12.4) 102.0 (15.8) 0.71 (0.45, 0.86) 0.44 (−0.17, 0.81) AE 0.91 4 .92 74 (51, 88) 26 (12, 49)
Oxy‐Hb right prefrontal 0.49 (0.82) 0.09 (0.59) 0.52 (0.14, 0.77) −0.45 (−0.84, 0.25) AE 8.65 4 .07 44 (8, 70) 56 (30, 92)
Oxy‐Hb left prefrontal 0.52 (0.87) 0.10 (0.90) 0.37 (−0.05, 0.68) 0.27 (−0.48, 0.79) AE 4.81 4 .31 37 (3, 69) 63 (31, 97)
Deoxy‐Hb right prefrontal −0.05 (0.45) −0.12 (0.36) 0.16 (−0.27, 0.54) 0.30 (−0.40, 0.78) E 3.45 5 .63 0 100
Deoxy‐Hb left prefrontal −0.07 (0.39) −0.02 (0.24) 0.21 (−0.22, 0.58) −0.11 (−0.72, 0.60) E 6.53 5 .26 0 100

FIQ, full‐scale intelligent quotient; MZ, monozygotic twins; DZ, dizygotic twins; A, additive genetic components; C, common environmental components; E, unique environmental components.


For participants aged 15 and under FIQ was evaluated with the WISC‐III, for participants aged 16 and over it was estimated by four subtests of the WAIS‐R.